Chapter 26: Action is his Reward... in more ways then one. (#SuperWho? Epilogue)

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3rd POV:

It was lunchtime where Y/n and The girls where chilling or eating something. But then Babs came by and slammed a newspaper on the table.

Babs: Guys! Look at the headline. It's about yesterday.

Kara: Ah why bother it's probably about my "amazing" cousin again.

Kara proceeds to drink her soda while the girls look at the paper with a shocked face.

Karen: Uh Kara... it's about you.

Kara spits her drink out... which was like a bullet that hit a wall but no one noticed except for Y/n who dodged it.

She then grabbed the paper and read the headline  that said "The new heroes keeping Metropolis more safe then the man of steel?" The picture show Supergirl in her full glory of her pushing the acid monster into space.

Kara: But how?! Everyone was focus on my cousin how could-

Babs then pointed at the label on who gave the photo which said..."Photo by Y/n L/n".

The girls looked at Y/n who looked nervous and laughed a bit.

Kara: You took the picture?

Y/n: Yeah... *sighs* I originally was gonna get pictures of me so I can try getting good rep but I saw how much you want to be noticed and well... I felt I wanted to help that so... yeah.

The girls smiled at this while Kara grabbed Y/n's arm and drag him away from the group. Her grip was tight but it didn't hurt Y/n... much.

As they got to a secluded area Y/n was weirded out.

Y/n: Kara why did you-


A kiss happened....

This time on the lips!

Kara Danvers a punk rock girl who would punch someone so hard they rotate around the world for touching her or tryna hit on her... kissing the spider.

Kara let go of the kiss and smirked at Y/n who was a blush mess.

Y/n: W-wha-

Kara: That's both a thank you and equal for what Diana and Zee pulled. Anyway I should go.

Y/n was still a blush mess but try to gain something from this. He grabbed Kara and pin her to the locker which shocked her.

At this moment Y/n try thinking he had his mask on to gain his confidence.

Y/n: Sorry but... You are caught in my web. And I letting go.

Kara smiled at this as the two we're about to lock lips again-

???: Ahem.

The two immediately separated with blush faces and saw it was Lois Lane.

Lois: Having fun?

Y/n: MS LANE! It's not what you think-

Kara who was pissed now step in.

Kara: Something you want Lane?

Lois who smirked grabbed Y/n hand and drag him.

Lois: Yes in fact I need to borrow Mr L/n. Bye!

The two moved away with Kara trying to control her rage... with her proceeded to punch a dent into a locker.

With Y/n and Lois they are now in the the Daily Planetoid.

Y/n: So Ms Lane how can I assist you?

Lois: Well for starters I want to say sorry... both you and Danvers which I'm pretty sure she ain't happy after me pulling you away.

Y/n laughed at this knowing he will have to deal with upset Kara later.

Lois: But anyway I saw Supergirl sometimes helping and didn't think much but after seeing the photos it gave me a clear sign she could help in areas that the Man of steel couldn't... including the other Superheroes I been seeing.

Y/n: Welp I'm glad I could help with that. I'll see you later Ms Lane.

As Y/n was heading out Ms Lane called him.

Lois: Hold it L/n. There is also this.

She put a photo on the desk which Y/n recognized... it was a picture of Spider-Man.

Y/n: But how? I had to delete this one.

Lois: L/n you do know you can retract photos you deleted from your camera right?

...Yeah Y/n gave himself the BIGGEST MENTAL SLAP ever.

Lois: Anyway I want to hire you. Not just as our club's photographer but as fully paid Photographer.

Y/n: Wait what?! Ain't this just a school news paper and club activity?

Lois: Well yes but ever since these photos we made more sells then the Daily bugle somehow. So we are able to actually make pay now. So what do you say?

Lois puts her hand out for a shake and Y/n looked at it and smiled and shake her hand.

Y/n: I promise you won't regret it Ms Lan-

Lois: Lois.

Y/n: Huh?

Lois: Call me Lois. The whole Ms and Mr thing kinda gets boring in the work place and I would love about going type thing. So call me Lois ok?

Y/n smiled at this and nodded.

Y/n: Alright in that case call me Y/n... if that's ok.

Lois laughed at Y/n's nervous and brave look he put on.

Lois: Alright Y/n. Now get going and get some good pictures of those heroes!

Y/n: Will do!

Y/n head on out while also clicking his shoes.
(If you remember the scene in Tasm2 then that)

Lois looked on at Y/n and back at the Spider-Man Photo.

Lois: Maybe I can try finding Spider-Man someday... I got to at least thank him for saving me and Jimmy.

A small blush can be seen on her face as she sighs lovingly. As she got up to go to her locker outside of the office she realized something.


End of #SuperWho?

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