Chapter Nine

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To say that Eric was angry was an understatement. He went from being pissed to furious in a matter of hours. A rouge! His father wants him to marry a rouge. Even thinking of it made him wince in disgust. Why would I even want to breed with her, our children will probably come out feral and savage. (A/N I am not sure how people even come up with the things they think.) One day I am going to kill that man and change the rules of this pack just to spite him.

Eric continued to pace the length of his room. What's wrong with everyone lately?

First Damein arrives back in town and we are unable to find him anywhere now my father is making me marry that woman. This must be some cosmic joke being played on me, where I am the punchline of it. 

Knock Knock

The fact that someone was knocking on his front door forced Eric from his thoughts. He didn't really want to be bothered so ended up debating on whether or not  he wanted to answer the door when suddenly the person outside of the door made themselves come in. Damn it! I didn't want to be bothered at the moment that's why I came to my house.

"Eric!!!!!!!!" a high pitched and shrill voice screamed his name, making him wince. 

Shit! he thought, I know that voice.

"Eric hunny I know you are in here, Josie said you would be and wouldn't dare lie to me." The voice continued to scream around his house looking for him. The voice came closer and closer to his room until they came upon his room. The person tried to open his door.

"What do you want Camilla?" Eric spoke to the woman with hidden rage in his voice.

If there was something he hated more than rouges it was the female behind his door. She was beautiful and she knew it. She had long curly black hair and bright blue eyes. Since she too was a werewolf she had a slim build but she also had muscles and knew how to use them. If she was human she would be classified as a slut but since they were werewolves she was doing came naturally to her as a wolf so no one could fault her for loving sex. It was in their nature. He could also bet she was wearing something pink.

He was correct.

Eric proceed to open his room door and let her in even if he that it was a good idea to do so.  But he figured that if he didn't let her in she was going to nag him until he did.

"Is that anyway to speak with your future mate and Luna," Camilla spoke back.

"I am not marrying you ever, now I repeat again Camilla what do you want and why couldn't you tell me through the pack link?"

She pouted. "You have no choice but to marry me I am the most powerful unmated female in the pack. You have no choice your father wants Alpha children who are powerful."

"I am aware of what my father wants, I am his son after all. But enough of all this why are you here."

"Fine! I am here to inform you in person that we are having and emergency pack meeting tonight and that you should make sure you are in attendence. No excuses are acceptable."

Eric stared, "You could have just told that through the link."

"I am under strict unders from the Head Alpha to deliver the message to all the pack members in person and to tell them to also not use the pack link until the meeting."

"Why," said Eric. He had a feeling as to why but he didn't want to release any information if his father had not. It was better not to cause any problems and panic with the pack.

"I don't know but that was what he told me. He also told me to tell you to bring the rouge you came across earlier to the meeting as well. I don't know why he wants the rouge there if could end up killing someone."

"The rouge is someone important to the future of this pack."


"My future wife."


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