Chapter Thirty-One

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Giselle was hanging in there, but barely. Not because she was being tortured, well having an annoying voice talking to you when you don't want it too can be considered a type of torture. The voice held on to the promise it made and brought her food and water so she didn't waste away. Even though she was forced to eat with armed guards in the room. Eventually someone untied her while she sleeping, i.e. drugged, so she could move around. Moving around allowed her to see that there was another door in the room that led to a bathroom.

Occasionally, she glanced outside the entrance/exit door to see if she could sneak out but there were always armed guards and she was sure their guns would be loaded with silver. There was also a vent in the room but she wasn't sure if it was big enough for her to get through and even if it was she knew it would never work because of the camera. Sure, she could break the camera but she didn't think she had enough time to get through it before someone came.

And there was the fact that she didn't have anything to loosen the screws with anyway. Whenever they feed her they either give her something plastic to eat with or something she could use her hands for.

The way the room was made gave her no way to have a good concept of time so she wasn't sure if she had been here for hours or days. Though she was sure it hadn't been more than a couple of days. Though when your knocked for a while your concept of time becomes flawed.

Even with everything stacked against her, Giselle knew if there was a will there was a way. Every passing minute of inactivity slowly helped her regain her strength. She might not have always acted as the Alpha she was born to be but that didn't she wasn't one. Whatever made the connection between her and Eric disappear was slowing starting to fade away.

She was 100% sure that Josie that she thought she was weak and that was a mistake. A mistake that Giselle was sure she was going to make Josie pay for in pain and blood. While she also wanted to kill her, she needed to know exactly why Josie wanted her dead. If it was because of Eric, killing her would not exactly be endearing to him. Of course, that's if Eric ever finds out that Josie was in on it.

Speaking of Eric, he was probably frantic and searching everywhere for her without any clues to her location. She wasn't sure how clear the connection was going to be but decided to try anyway. She laid on the bed and pretended to sleep by closing her eyes and slowing down her heartbeat. Her mind filled itself with thoughts and memories of him as the connection between them took hold once more.

There was a faint but pulsating hum that continued on and on until finally a thought was heard and the feeling of intense rage passed through her. A rage and thought that was not hers.


Giselle couldn't help but feel the overwhelming sense of relief and joy that passed through her at his declaration. She was sure he felt it as well but was confused at the feelings. So she decided to make herself known to him, "Don't forget to leave some for me, I'm the kidnapped party."

Shock and confused filtered in through the bond, "Giselle......?"

The question mark on the end of her name was clearly heard, "Is there some other woman whom you hold the mating bond with."

Of course not but I have not been able to get the connection working so I wasn't quite sure.

Me either, But whatever drug was in my system is almost filtered out or maybe it's gone.

Then why haven't you escaped yet? You are strong enough.

I don't know...hmm...maybe it's because of heavily armed guards outside my door and the camera in my room, She thought back sarcastically.

Well I'll be there soon, so hang tight. I love you.

The feeling of love and warmth spread through her. I love you too and hurry because I have to cut the connection short, someone's coming.

She cut the connection as someone opened the door. A rush of Josie's scent filled the room, along with the scent of someone else familiar to her. She couldn't place the scent but Giselle was 100% sure she knew who it was.

She shifted her body, rubbed her eyes, and yawned as if she had just woke up from sleep. She looked at the door and met Josie's eyes head on, as Josie came in the room. Sadly, the person with the other scent wasn't with her, so Giselle still couldn't figure out who it belonged too.

But that didn't matter right now, Giselle had to focus all her attention on the bitch currently in front of her. "I wondered when I would see you again you traitorous bitch."

Josie smirked, "How can you betray a pack you never truly belonged too? I was only here because Daddy told me to be."

"Daddy!? You said he didn't acknowledge you."

"He didn't for the first sixteen years of my life, but after some issues arose with my older sister I was suddenly useful in his eyes. He even promised me the position of Alpha if he ever stepped down."

"You would never be able to hold a pack, you're not an Alpha. I thought you joined Eric's pack at twelve."

"I lied of course; I joined a few months after Daddy finally acknowledged me. I was so happy he did."

"What about your mom and what he did to her, or was that a lie as well."

"That wasn't lie but I honestly that whore wasn't my mother, she was weak and I am strong. Just like MY MOTHER. I might not have been born an Alpha but I'm sure with Daddy's backing I will have no one opposing me."

Okay Crazy, Giselle thought, "So why infiltrate Eric's pack for years."

"Looking for weakness of course, I don't want any competition for when I become Alpha."

"And what do I have do with this?"

Josie's smirk grew wider, "You? Well at first I was going to leave you as and unimportant viable. But then you became interesting."

"Interesting, when?"

"When I found out you were my darling older runaway sister."

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