Chapter Sixteen

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Hey Guys I know it had been awhile since I updated but between going to school and my pregnancy I haven't been able to write. Now that my baby is here now that process is going to be even slower.

XOXO- Deedy


The days following the Mating Ceremony were tense for Giselle. She knew that it was just the calm before the storm. Her father was a very ruthless man and he wasn't going to take the fact that she was still disobeying him lightly. To him it was better if he had never seen her again then he wouldn't have to see her face and be reminded of what she did. You know what they say, out of sight out of mind.

Eric's father allowed the other packs to stay for a few more days before heading home. He wanted to know more about Giselle and the man she refused to acknowledge as her father. Due to the fact she was the birth daughter to a known Head Alpha he was within his rights to further develop the treaty. He wouldn't allow a chance like this to pass him by.

Giselle didn't mind the other packs staying in the pack house. This was one of the main reasons why she enjoyed the fact that Eric had his own house. She didn't feel comfortable being under the same roof as Alpha Micheal. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked over to Eric.

"My father wants to speak with us in his office," Eric stated. He knew his father wanted to speak to them about Giselle's father and get their input on how to deal with the situation. He glanced over at his new mate and saw the anger in her eyes. "If you want, I can ask my father to wait until you get settled first."

She turned to him. For a moment her anger was directed at him but she knew he was not at fault and wad just trying to make the best of the situation. "No thats ok I rather get this over with now."

"Aright then follow me. Ny father has already headed to his office."

Eric led Giselle to the pack house and to his father's office. He knocked since he knew his father didn't like people barging in, even his own son. "Father it's me and Giselle."

"Come in," replied his father. His father was at his desk doing some paper work. The man never took a day to just break from work.

"You wanted to speak to us?" The answer was obvious.

"Yes, I wanted to speak to you and Giselle about her father and her old pack."

Eric could hear Giselle snort and whisper, "Some father." If Eric's father heard it he wisely choose to ignore it.

"As you know, Giselle being the daugher of Alpha Micheal poses a potential problem. Even if she ran away she is still his daughter and he is well within his rights to demand something from us. Good thing is he only demanded an aggressive-peace treaty. It states that we are to leave each others territory alone but if war comes we are on the same side regardless of if our side started the war or not."It seemed simple enough but Giselle knew enough about her father that something simple as that was un-nerving "However, I still would love to know if your father could be trusted or not."

Giselle hesitated before giving her response, " My father is a cruel man but he would never let a fellow wolf die during war. But it has been many years since I have seen him so it is hard to determind the type of man he is now. So all I can tell you is too be wary of him since he is a man that won't take no for an answer and doesn't like to lose."

Eric's father seems deep in thought. "That's fine. Well you two should go ahead and get some rest."

Eric nodded his head as he and Giselle left.

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