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— 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 best to avoid Tyler — she really did

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— 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 best to avoid Tyler — she really did. But the boy was persistent.

"Angela! Please, just let me apologize, alright?" He begged.

She looked around the hallway for an exit, but couldn't find one. She was running late for lunch, as she had gotten caught up in a conversation with her Biology teacher — a class she happened to have with Tyler.

She didn't even realize he had been waiting for her until she'd stepped out of the classroom and seen him leaning against the lockers across from her.

He'd tried speaking to her then, but Angela found herself unable to make eye contact without wanting to break down all over again, so she simply chose not to.

Logically, Angela knew she didn't owe him anything. And honestly, she didn't really want to forgive him anyway. What he said was shitty, and she was allowed to feel that hurt and process it in due time. But with no escape near, it was looking like she'd have to face him much sooner than she'd like to.

She finally stopped, causing Tyler to almost crash into her in his haste to catch up with her.

"I really don't want to talk right now, Tyler." She tried, hoping the boy would just accept it and leave her alone.

But unfortunately, Tyler was Tyler — and he couldn't take a hint even if it slapped him in the face.

"Then don't talk. Just listen. I'm-"

"She said she doesn't wanna talk, Tyler." Edward's voice suddenly came from a few feet ahead of them. He was angry, Angela could tell.

His voice sounded menacing, so different from the way he'd talked to her in the library, and his fists were balled up as if he had to physically restrain himself from hurting Tyler right there and then.

Angela shouldn't have found it attractive — she knew, but at the end of the day, she was a warm-blooded teenage girl. Who could really blame her?

As the bronze-haired boy stalked closer to the two of them, she could quite literally feel Tyler take a few steps back.

"Hey, back off man. I'm just trying to talk to my friend, here." Tyler tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, and she said no, Crowley. Take a hint." Edward was now standing in front of Angela protectively, glaring holes into Tyler's face.

If looks could kill...

Tyler scoffed, looking between Angela and Edward. "Really, Ang? Gotta get your boyfriend to protect you?"

"Back off, bro." Emmett suddenly appeared from behind Tyler. "I don't wanna hurt you, but keep bothering Angie and I will." He smirked darkly.

Tyler scoffed again, shaking his head. "Man, whatever."

Angela watched as he walked away, as she felt Edward touch the small of her back. "Are you okay, Angel?"

She nodded but stayed quiet.

Edward sighed softly, before using his hand still on her back to gently push her into walking.

"Let's go get you some lunch, love."

— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 the Forks High School student body seemed to stop and stare when they noticed Edward Cullen walk in with Angela Weber on his arm. Emmett flanking Angela's other side didn't seem to help — but the brunette was more worried about how her friends were reacting to her entrance than anyone else.

"Don't worry about what others are thinking," Edward whispered into her ear, before looking to Emmett.

They dapped each other up before Emmett made his way back to the lunch table with the rest of the Cullens. Meanwhile, Edward lead Angela to the food station.

"I'm not really hungry." The tall brunette whispered so softly she didn't think Edward would hear her.

But Edward just grabbed an apple. "At least eat this then, love. Your health is important."

Before she could respond, the sound of someone clearing their throat caught their attention. When the couple looked over they saw Lauren and Jess standing there with their arms crossed. The former had a sickeningly sweet and obviously fake smile pasted across her lips, while Jessica just stared at the floor.

"We heard what happened with Tyler, Ang." The blonde started.

Angela smiled awkwardly. "It's okay, guys. I'm fi-"

"How could you do that to poor Tyler? All he wanted to do was talk, and then you sent the little incest freaks on him for what?" Lauren cut her off, a sneer now making its way to her face.

Angela's eyes widened. "That's not-"

"What kind of friend are you?" She continued.

Edward glared at the two girls, as he pulled Angela further into his arms. "You should be asking yourself that question, Lauren. Your idea of friendship is shallow and vain...I pity anyone you call a 'friend'."

Lauren's eyes grew angry at that, as she took a step closer to Edward. "Yeah? Well, your little girlfriend happens to be one of my friends, so is that what all of this is? You're being nice to her because you pity her?"

"Lauren, maybe we should-" Jessica tried to stop her friend from continuing, but Lauren just held a hand to the brunette's face.

"I got this, Jess." The Stanley girl went quiet, and Lauren continued.

"Well, go on. Admit it. You're only being nice to her out of pity because she's my friend."

"Not anymore." Angela piped up, catching the attention of all three teenagers.

"Come again?" Lauren asked in a patronizing tone.

"You said he pities me because you and I are friends. But we're not. Not anymore."

Lauren's jaw dropped, as she stared at Angela in disbelief. "You bitch! You think I even wanted to be friends with you? If it wasn't for Jessica feeling bad that you wouldn't have any friends without her, we all would've left you behind a long time ago." The blonde spat.

Angela gasped slightly, backing up into Edward even more. She looked at Jessica in a mixture of shock and hurt.

"That-that's not what I meant-" Jessica started, looking between Lauren and Angela in a panic. "It came out wrong-"

"Guess I know how you really feel now, Jess." Angela cut her off, her tone wobbly as she fought hard to keep her tears at bay. She didn't wait for a response, as she rushed out of the cafeteria and headed to her car.

She could hear Edward following behind her, and he was closing in on her quickly. "You don't have to follow me, Edward, I'm okay."

"No, you're not, love. Where are you going?"

She sighed. "I'm just gonna go home. Take a mental health day — or period, or whatever. I'll only miss one class anyway." She rambled slightly.

Edward sighed, as he finally reached her, right when she was about to open her car door.

"At least let me drive you, Angel. You're in no state to be driving yourself around."

She was crying now, and her eyesight was becoming blurry from the tears.

"I- Okay." She gave in. She didn't really want Edward to see her like this, but the need for comfort only he could provide her with was much greater.

"Okay?" He reiterated.

"Yeah." She whispered and felt him take a step away from her, before gently grabbing her hand.

"Come on then, love. We'll take my car."

𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍.  ﹙twilight.﹚¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now