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i. act ii !

— 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 week at school started, Angela was happy

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— 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 week at school started, Angela was happy.

She and Edward were together now, and the weekend had been so great. After a few more hours of spending time at the Cullens, she'd gone off with Rosalie and Alice to have a girls day. And when they returned some time later, Edward had taken her home.

To her surprise, he had actually suggested they tell her parents that they were officially dating. Iris was simply ecstatic, while John had just huffed. "Thought you two were official a while ago." He'd grumbled. He'd also earned a smack on the arm from his wife for it.

It was then, that Edward was offered to attend church with the Webers on Sunday — to which he had agreed.

Sunday church had gone off without a hitch, and Edward had even stayed to have dinner with Angela's family.

Now school was back up again, and everything was going smoothly.

Except for one thing. Isabella Swan.

While Angela and most of the Cullens had been able to ignore her just fine last week, it was now starting to grate on their nerves a little.

Even Rosalie sending her glares heated enough that it was a wonder the brunette's head wasn't on fire yet didn't seem to deter the Swan girl one bit. And if Rosalie didn't like her, then Emmett didn't like her either.

While that was not always the case, Emmett usually found his mate's judgment of character to be correct — and this was definitely one of those moments. Emmett didn't like the vibe he got from Isabella.

On top of that, Isabella had been trying to get closer to the Cullen family both figuratively and literally.

Jasper found the girl hovering beside him far too many times to be a coincidence, and if the smell of her blood was bad for Edward — it was a thousand times worse for the Hale boy. With Angela, he could fully let his guard down without worrying about hurting the sweet girl. With Isabella, it was the complete opposite. And he hated every second of it.

Even sweet Alice tried to distance herself from the girl. It was clear to everyone in Forks High that Alice was easily the kindest Cullen kid. Isabella was not an exception to that observation. In fact, it seemed because of that — that the Swan girl tried to get friendly with Alice.

It was obvious to the vampire what the girl was trying to do. After all, it was practically impossible to lie to one. And Alice didn't like being used at all, so in her polite Alice way — she avoided Isabella as much as possible.

Edward resolved to just ignore her entirely, but for whatever reason — his stone-cold attitude only seemed to make Isabella, even more, attracted to him.

Because that was in fact what was happening here.

Edward knew the human was attracted to him, and he didn't have to read her mind to figure it out. Not like he could if he wanted to anyways. For whatever reason, Isabella's thoughts were the only thoughts he couldn't hear. But he was quite glad for it. He was sure he'd hate every second of being in her mind.

Now for Angela, things were difficult. Isabella — who she found out preferred to be called 'Bella' — had become friends with her old friend group.

Jessica and the rest of the group seemed to have taken her in under their wings from the very first day she arrived here. Angela herself and Jessica still talked occasionally, and because of that — the Weber girl found it hard to be outright distant towards Bella.

The brunette sometimes attempted to make small talk with Angela when they were in the locker room before and after P.E., and Jessica was always there with them. Angela couldn't possibly ignore Bella but talk to Jessica — it wasn't in her nature to be rude like that.

So instead, she played along and tried her hardest to ignore the fact that the Swan girl wanted her boyfriend. Though, once Edward and his family came into the discussion via Bella's attempts at casually bringing them up, Angela always shut the conversation down. Isabella Swan was not as slick as she thought she was.

It was getting to the point where Rosalie had called a mini family meeting during lunch via group chat. Angela sighed softly as she read the text and checked the time. Only a few minutes left before class was over and lunch was starting.

This was going to be interesting.

— 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 she'd been put through death a second time, as she glared at every person that walked past their table or came within her vicinity.

"I hate these people with all that my dead heart can offer. Especially that annoying little Swan girl." She growled out lowly.

Emmett wrapped an arm around his mate in a show of sympathy and comfort, while the rest of the table nodded their heads in agreement.

"I don't understand why she won't just take a hint. It's obvious that none of us have an interest in being acquainted with her." Edward sneered.

"I don't like thinking or talking poorly about others, but Bella trying to get close with all of us because she likes Edward is...convoluted. It rubs me the wrong way, how she thinks that that is the way to go about pursuing someone you're interested in." Angela frowned as she spoke softly.

Rosalie scoffed. "The fact that she thinks pursuing someone who's already in a relationship is appropriate, says enough about her character. Trying to get close with the rest of us; including you, A, — Edward's literal girlfriend — just makes her that much more unlikeable."

Everyone at the table nodded in agreement, but Angela shook her head. "I get it guys, I do. But...maybe a small part of her is just trying to make more friends?" She asked hopefully.

While she didn't fully believe her words herself — after all, she had just said otherwise a few moments ago — part of Angela wanted to have hope that they were all just misjudging Bella's character.

Emmett laughed. "While your old friends are assholes, and I wouldn't blame anyone for trying to defect from that group — I don't think that's the case here, Angie."

And as if to prove his point — a loud burst of laughter erupted in the cafeteria, causing everyone to look at where the sound was coming from. Sure enough, Bella was laughing with the rest of Angela's old friends as Mike seemed to be telling a funny story.

Angela sighed softly, leaning into Edward as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah...you're right, Em."

The mood suddenly lightened, as Emmett cheered loudly. "Yes, I get a nickname! I beat all you fuckers to the punch!" He pointed at all of his siblings.

Angela laughed, but it quickly died down as everyone else looked at her expectantly. She blanched. "You all want nicknames now!?"

The response was immediate, and simultaneous.


𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍.  ﹙twilight.﹚¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now