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i. act iii !

— 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 Angela and the twins returned home, there was barely any daylight left, and Edward was waiting for them by the porch

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— 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 Angela and the twins returned home, there was barely any daylight left, and Edward was waiting for them by the porch.

She had texted him when they were about to leave the beach, and he had asked if it was okay for him to come over for dinner. Angela, of course — had readily agreed.

She smiled at the bronze-haired boy through the car window, before getting out and helping Isaac out of the car. And while she did that, Edward came over to help Josh and grab the beach bag from the passenger seat. Together, the group of four made it into the house after Angela unlocked the door.

The Weber girl dropped the keys into the bowl next to the door and ushered the twins towards the shower — seeing as they were pretty tuckered out after the day's activities.

They both went willingly, and Angela shared a look with Edward to communicate with him. She was actually quite grateful he could read her mind, as it didn't require her to speak out loud and ruin the tranquil atmosphere of the house.

I'm gonna go help the boys take a bath, and then I'll be back out to make dinner after I shower as well. Feel free to get comfortable and relax. She thought.

She waited for Edward's nod and then trailed down the hallway after the twins. She was quite thankful for how tired they were, as it would mean a quick and easy bath time with no splashing — a pretty rare occasion.

The twins loved to splash.

Perhaps she would take them swimming more often, she mused to herself — as she washed the boys' hair, while she had them scrub their bodies clean.

After drying them off and moving to their room to change them into pajamas, a light knock on the door got Angela's attention. She turned back to the boys and confirmed that they were fully dressed before she stood up and opened the door to reveal Edward.

The twins rushed around his legs and ran out to the living room to play with their toys — their energy seemingly back in full force after their shower, while Angela smiled at Edward.

"Hey, Babe. Did you need something?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Not me, but your mom is on the phone for you. I hope you don't mind that I answered. I saw her name pop up and figured it was important." He smiled, handing her the phone as he did so.

Angela shook her head and returned the smile as she grabbed the phone. "It's fine, I really don't mind! Thank you." She gave him a quick peck and then began to walk to her room to grab clothes so she could shower.

"Hey, mom. What's up?" She asked as she heard Edward make his way to the living room to play with the twins.

"Hi, honey. I see you have some company over there, hm?" Iris teased, laughing after so Angela knew she wasn't upset.

The teen blushed anyways, as she chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry...I know should've asked first, but I swear we weren't doing anything we shouldn't have!" She quickly apologized.

Iris simply tsked. "Oh, it's fine, honestly! I trust you, kids. But if your father finds out, I knew nothing."

Angela shook her head in amusement as she laughed, opening a drawer to pull out a black cami top and grey sweatpants to change into after her shower. "Did you need anything, Mom? I wasn't expecting a call."

Angela heard her sigh tiredly through the phone, making the younger frown in concern. She paused her actions and straightened in concern. "Mom...?"

"Oh, it's not too bad, honey — honest! This shift has just been really tiring, and the paperwork has really stacked up. I should be home sometime in the morning. But I called to let you know that your father's interview went well, but now they're asking him to stay for a few more days for some training and testing. Apparently, there were a lot of candidates gunning for this job, and the company decided to narrow it down via elimination style. If your father gets through his training, he's a shoo-in for the job." She began to explain.

"Well, that's great!" Angela smiled, her previous concern ebbing away the more her mother spoke.

Iris hummed. "It's really great, but your dad wants to save on gas money by staying there instead of making the hour commute there and back every day."

Angela furrowed her brows. "What about if he gets the job?" She asked.

"Well, the position he's applying for is a much higher pay than what he was doing before, so the gas fees wouldn't be a problem. But since he doesn't have the job just yet — he wants to save as much as he can."

"He's gonna get the job for sure, though. I know it." The brunette smiled.

Iris laughed. "I believe your father can do it, too. But anyways, I just wanted to let you know that he isn't coming back tonight anymore, and because my shift is running later than planned — it'll just be you and the boys for the night. Well, and Edward too."

Angela could tell her mother had begun to smirk as she kept talking.

"Mom!" She groaned, her cheeks heating up once more. Edward probably heard this entire conversation.

Iris chuckled. "Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing. Have a good night, I love you. And tell the boys I love them too."

"Will do. I love you too, Mom." Angela smiled and then ended the call.

She then opened her messages and texted her Dad, who was probably showering and would see her texts in the morning. The man was notorious for being a late responder.

Hey, Dad!

Mom just told me about the training.

Just wanted to say good luck, and you got this!
Love you.

She then grabbed her clothes and headed to the shower. As she walked, she could hear her brothers' laughing with Edward over something and smiled at the sound. It truly had been a great weekend.

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