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i. act iii !

— 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐇 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏 passing by relatively quickly, and before either of the teens knew it — Edward was driving them back home

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— 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐇 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏 passing by relatively quickly, and before either of the teens knew it — Edward was driving them back home.

Upon entering the Weber household, the twins immediately rushed to the living room so they could play with their toys again.

Angela made her way into the kitchen, Edward trailing behind her like a shadow.

Her dad had left some money for groceries before he'd left. More money than usual — a sign that he was confident he was getting the new job.

On Friday afternoon, Angela had used the money to go and buy groceries for sandwiches, snacks, and the breakfast she and Edward had made that morning.

She began making the sandwiches for Isaac, Josh, herself, and even some for the group of Quileute boys they were meeting up with just in case they got hungry as well.

The bronze-haired boy beside her silently began to help her, as they allowed the peaceful quietness to envelope them in a bubble of contentment.

After almost all of the sandwiches were done — Edward finishing up the last one, Angela excused herself to go and help the twins get dressed for the beach.

"Izzy, Joshie! Come now, boys. Let's get you ready for the beach!" She called out, smiling when her brothers cheered happily and rushed to their room after gently putting down their toys.

She let them pick out the board shorts they wanted to wear — red for Isaac, blue for Josh; and then helped them change out of their church clothes before making her way to her own room.

She changed into a light pink one-piece bathing suit and slipped a white sundress over her body. She then grabbed the beach bag that she'd packed the night before and carried it to the kitchen.

Inside the bag were towels, sunscreen, her camera, extra clothes for all of them, an extra set of car keys, a book just in case she got bored of swimming, and just enough space for the sandwiches and some snacks to slot into.

Edward put the sandwiches in the bag, while Angela selected a few different snacks she'd bought for this beach trip specifically. Once those were in the bag, she turned to call for Isaac and Josh.

"Boys! You ready for the beach!?" She called out excitedly, hoping it would be enough to entice them out of their room. It was no secret that they were anticipating the trip — but the boys had taken a surprisingly long amount of time doing who knows what in their room.

Sure enough — both boys came rushing out of the room a few seconds after their sister's words reached their ears.

"Can we bring our toys with us, Gigi!? Can we? Can we?" Isaac asked, giving Angela a toothy smile.

Josh peeked from behind his brother and pouted. "Pretty please!" He pleaded, even going as far as batting his lashes. That's what was taking them so long then — they were scheming.

Not like it was necessary — Angela would do pretty much anything her brothers asked of her. She cared for them like they were her own. She smiled down at her boys and nodded. "Of course, you can! Just make sure you take extra good care of them when we're at the beach, okay?" She instructed.

Both boys nodded vehemently, before rushing off into the living room to grab the toys that they wanted to play with.

While they did that, Edward and Angela made their way to the latter's car. The vampire put the bag in the passenger seat and then turned to face Angela.

He gently grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his body, rubbing her sides with his thumb as he did so. "If you feel even slightly off, call me and then head home with the twins immediately, okay?" He instructed, his tone holding no room for argument.

Angela chuckled slightly, as she looped her arms around the bronze-haired boy's neck and placed a soft kiss on his pale cheek. "Relax, Babe. The twins and I will be perfectly fine."

Edward raised a brow. "Babe?" He smirked smugly.

Angela blushed and used her index finger to readjust her glasses, before returning her hand to its previous place on Edward's neck. "Do you...Is it okay if I call you that?" She whispered.

Edward laughed, before lifting one hand from Angela's waist, gently grabbing her chin, and bringing the Weber girl into a soft but passionate kiss.

She closed her eyes and kissed him back with just as much feeling before they quickly broke apart.

Edward cupped her cheek and caressed her face softly, as he smiled. "You can call me whatever you like, Angel."

Angela smiled, but before she could respond — Isaac and Josh came rushing out of the house with their toys in hand.

"Gigi, it's beach time, c'mon! And what did I say!? Stop making besos with Eddie on Jesus Day!" Isaac reprimanded, his childish voice making the whole thing laughable.

"Sorry, Izzy! You're right. No more besos for Eddie." She smirked teasingly, as she helped Josh get into the car — Edward doing the same for Isaac.

The vampire rolled his eyes sassily, before making sure Isaac was all good and closing the car door. He then opened the driver's door and waited for Angela to make her way there from the other side.

She stopped right in front of him and smiled. He returned the smile and was about to kiss her goodbye when Isaac gently knocked on the car window to remind them of the rules yet again.

The couple shared a laugh before Edward grabbed Angela's hand and left a quick kiss there. He then made a big show of sighing and letting go of her hand. "Alright, looks like your passengers are ready to hit the sand. And who am I to stop you?"

"Yeah! Beach!" Isaac cheered, while Josh clapped.

Edward smirked and then waited for Angela to get into the car and buckle up before he closed the door. She rolled down the window so they could still speak to one another.

"Be safe, Angel, okay?" He asked.

The Weber girl nodded. "I will. Promise." She smiled and then drove off.

Edward remained standing by the road until he couldn't see the car anymore before he finally got into his own vehicle and headed back to the Cullen residence.

He couldn't wait for the next hour to pass by so that he could text his mate and check in on her.

𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍.  ﹙twilight.﹚¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now