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i. act ii !

— 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 made it back to the house, lunch was ready

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— 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 made it back to the house, lunch was ready.

Angela thanked them all profusely before Edward led her into the living room to eat by the coffee table — the Cullens in tow.

As Angela took a bite, her eyes lit up in delight. "This is delicious, you guys!"

From the corner of one of the couches, Emmett crossed his arms and smirked. "Not bad for some blood-drinking vamps, huh?"

Everyone turned to stare at him with an unimpressed look.

"Too soon?" He asked.

"Too soon." They all replied in unison.

"So, I actually have a question for you guys." Angela began, after swallowing a bite of her food.

"Go for it, Angie." Alice encouraged.

"I don't mean this to offend anyone, and I know you guys drink animal blood...But, how are you all so calm around me?" She asked.

To everyone's surprise, Jasper was the one to speak first. "You're different. Your blood doesn't appeal to me."

Angela furrowed her brows. That was two vampires that had admitted her blood didn't appeal to them. She was thankful for it, but it still struck her as odd.

"And I'm quite grateful for it, too. I'm the newest to the vegetarian lifestyle out of all of us, and since my ability is one of an empath — I don't just feel my hunger and thirst for blood. I feel everyone's." Jasper continued.

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement. "Your blood doesn't appeal to any of us, A," Rosalie added.

Angela's furrow deepened. So not just two vampires, but seven. Very odd, indeed. Nonetheless, she wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Okay, that's actually...really good news. I also have one more question for you all."

They all looked at her expectantly.

"At first, I thought you were all just being protective — but then you asked me for the La Push boys' names, and your reactions threw me off a little. Why were you so insistent I not go to La Push, and why did you all tense when I said their names?" She asked.

For this question, it was Carlisle who decided to answer. "The thing is, we're not the only supernatural species out there." He started.

Angela's eyes widened at that, but she remained quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"Shapeshifters also exist. It's a genetic anomaly where men turn into wolves after their genes are triggered by the proximity of a vampire. We made a deal with the La Push pack many many years ago, that we would not cross the border into the reservation — and they would not kill us, seeing as we only drink animal blood. You see, the sole purpose of a shapeshifter is to protect humans from vampires."

Angela thought for a moment. "So...Jacob, Quil, and Embry are...?" She trailed off, not finishing her question, but the Cullens knew what she was asking.

Carlisle shook his head. "No. As far as we know, they have not shifted. The tells would be obvious to us, and I've recently seen Jacob Black in town. He doesn't smell like one, or like he's been around one. However, Jacob is most likely to shift. The shapeshifting gene skipped two generations since we stayed away from Forks for that time. However, our arrival back in Forks has triggered some of the new generation to shift. Jacob's great-grandfather was the leader of the pack we made the treaty with."

"Do you know who the shapeshifters are?" Angela questioned.

This time, it was Edward who answered. "No. But we believe there are only three. We've seen them patrolling in the woods when we go feeding sometimes."

The Weber girl took a deep breath. "Well, that is not what I was expecting to hear."

Carlisle smiled in amusement. "No, I suppose not."

Angela shook it off. "Okay. But I still don't understand why you wouldn't want me going to La Push. If the shapeshifters are meant to protect humans, then why would it be dangerous for me to be there?"

Edward's expression suddenly darkened. "Although they're meant to protect humans, they have just as much ability to hurt them too. Their phasing is triggered by their anger, and we don't know if they're able to control that. It's a risk none of us are willing to let you take. It's better if you stay in Forks, where we can protect you. Where I can protect you."

The brunette frowned. "I still want to hang out with Jacob, Embry, and Quil, though. I won't break off my friendships with good people, solely because they could become something supernatural. That would be quite hypocritical of me, don't you think?"

Everyone remained silent, while Edward sighed heavily. "If you want to hang out with them, then do as you please, Angel. Just make sure it stays in Forks."

Angela's frown deepened even more, as she shook her head. "I'm sorry, but if they want to hang out with me and they want to do it in La Push, then I won't force them off their land. Besides, what are the odds that I run into these shapeshifters? There's only three of them. The chances are small."

"Not small enough," Edward growled, before storming out of the living room.

Everyone watched him leave, and Angela looked a mix of scared and sad. Edward had never been angry at her before, and she didn't like being on the other end of his fury. She was also scared that he wouldn't want to talk to her again because he was so mad.

What if he breaks up with me? He can do that now since we're actually a couple. Angela thought to herself, and the longer the Cullens remained in silence — the more sure she became that he was definitely breaking up with her.

Oh God, he's going to leave me. I should've never pushed him like that.

Suddenly, Edward came back into the living room and grabbed Angela's hand — leading her out of the room with his family. He led her up the stairs and into a bedroom — presumably his, and pushed her up against the wall. His hands trailed down until they wrapped around her waist, his eyes never leaving hers.

"I will never leave you, Angel. Yes, I'm angry — but I respect your decision. I just needed some space. However, when I heard your thoughts...I couldn't bear to let you think I was gonna leave you. I am with you until you tell me to leave you alone. And even then, I'd probably still watch over you from afar."

Angela smiled as she wrapped her arms around the vampire's neck. "I would never order you away from me. I care about you too much to ever let you go, Edward Cullen."

He returned her smile. "Then you'll never be rid of me, Angela Weber. You're stuck with me for as long as you'll have me."

She moved to kiss him this time, and as their lips explored one another once again, Angela finally managed to fully relax again.

They were good, and that was all she needed.

𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍.  ﹙twilight.﹚¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now