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i. act ii !

— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 back to Angela's house was silent

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— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 back to Angela's house was silent.

When Edward pulled to the side of the road next to her home, Angela finally spoke. "This is...a lot to process."

"I know." He whispered.

"I don't feel unsafe around you, though. And I don't think I'll feel unsafe around your siblings either. But it's just...a lot." She hurried to explain.

"I know." He whispered again, a sad smile on his face.

Angela sighed. She wanted to ask this question but didn't know how to do it without offending Edward. She also wasn't sure if she wanted to hear the answer. But Edward could read her mind, so what was the point of keeping the question to herself anyways?

"Vampires...they drink blood don't they?"

Edward nodded. "We do."

The brunette gulped. "...Human blood?"

Edward nodded. "Most of us do, but my family and I choose to live a different lifestyle. We only drink animal blood. We call it the vegetarian diet. We do not harm any humans."

Angela breathed a sigh of relief at this. "Oh, thank goodness. I would never judge you if you did drink human blood...but I won't lie to you — I feel much safer knowing you don't."

"It's understandable. And I wouldn't blame you if you never want to see me or my family again, you know?" Edward asked.

The brunette only laughed incredulously. "Edward, you and I both know I don't feel that way. You can literally read my mind."

The vampire smiled. "I know. But I thought I'd give you the chance anyways. You are...perfect. Normal. I don't wanna take that away from you."

Angela simply shook her head. "I'm far from perfect. And while I may not be 'blood-drinking, immortal vampire' different, I'm not normal normal either. A little plain? Sure. Normal? Not really."

Edward moved to cup her cheek but hesitated. At her reassuring nod, he pulled through with the gesture. "You, Angela Weber, could never be plain. You are a Goddess personified — a gift from the heavens. An Angel."

Angela sighed shakily, as she moved to put her hand over the one that was on her cheek. "Sometimes, it scares me how highly you think of me. I feel like I'm gonna mess up any day now, and you'll hate me."

The bronze-haired boy simply shook his head. "I could never hate you, Angel. You're my mate."

"What does that mean?" Angela questioned.

Edward pulled his hand back and sat in his seat properly once more. "Isaac and Josh are about to come running out of the house for you. I'll explain everything else to you this weekend. Why don't you meet my parents before you go shopping with Alice and Rosalie?"

Angela nodded with a soft smile on her face. "Yeah, okay. I'd like that."

Before Edward could respond, sure enough — Isaac and Josh came rushing through the front door of the Weber home.

"Gigi! Come play with us!" Isaac giggled.

The couple smiled. "Looks like that's my cue. I'll see you tomorrow?" Angela asked.

Edward nodded. "Of course. Have a good night, Angel. Sleep well."

"You too, Edward." And with that, Angela was out of the car and rushing over to tickle her little brothers.

The sight made Edward's dead heart fill with a kind of warmth he still wasn't quite yet used to. But he wasn't complaining. Angela Weber was all sunshine, and Edward needed his heart to get used to the warmness that came with that. With her.

That was perhaps the easiest thing Edward would probably ever have to do in his long life. And he wouldn't mind a single second of it.

— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 the school week went by smoothly.

The rest of the Cullens knew that Angela knew about them, but she didn't ask any questions — and they didn't treat her like anything was different.

Because really, nothing was different. Yes, she now knew what they truly were — but them being immortal vampires had nothing to do with who they were as people. Angela knew that, and the Cullens knew she knew that too. They were all just grateful that Angela didn't look at them in fear or disgust now that their biggest secret was revealed to her.

They couldn't have asked for a better person to welcome into the Cullen family. Even if she didn't quite know the full extent of what that meant just yet.

Besides that, Angela and the Cullens also learned that Isabella seemed to have a bit of a staring problem. Anytime Edward was within sight, the Swan girl's eyes were on him. If he wasn't around and one of the other Cullens or Angela was — then her eyes were on them.

It didn't bother any of them for the most part. The only ones who really had a problem with it were Edward and Rosalie.

Edward had tried his best to make it clear to Isabella that they were strictly Biology partners. Nothing more, nothing less. But the girl just didn't seem to get it. Edward had even confessed to Angela that he'd downright insulted her in an attempt to get her to lay off. But alas, it was to no success.

For Rosalie, Isabella just seemed to piss the pretty blonde off. She noticed the way the brunette's eyes always trailed after Edward like a lost puppy, even with Angela on her brother's arm — and it did nothing but fuel the flames of Rosalie's anger.

Why can't this girl just get a life and stop being a stalker? Edward had caught her thinking once during lunch, as Rosalie had met Isabella's stare and glared viciously until the latter had seemed to have enough and forced herself to look away.

At Edward's smirk of amusement, Rosalie had simply rolled her eyes and pretended like nothing happened. And that was that.

All in all, a pretty smooth ending to a rough start of the week. And it was safe to say that both Angela and the Cullens were looking forward to the weekend.

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