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i. act iii !

— 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 quite similar to how Saturday had begun, except Josh and Isaac got to play with their new toys in the living room while Edward helped Angela prepare breakfast

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— 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 quite similar to how Saturday had begun, except Josh and Isaac got to play with their new toys in the living room while Edward helped Angela prepare breakfast.

The brunette was originally going to take her brothers to church on her own — but then Edward caught wind of her thoughts and offered to take them instead.

As Angela began to plate the food for her and her brothers, she furrowed her brows. "Are you sure you wanna come with us? I know you came with my family last time, but you don't have to if you don't want to. Church isn't for everyone." The brunette girl spoke softly, pausing her ministrations to adjust her glasses a little, as she maintained her focus on the food.

Edward smiled softly, as he wiped the counter. "I want to be wherever you are, Angel. And besides, church wasn't so bad last time."

Once he was finally done with cleaning duty, he place the rag down and stepped up behind Angela, wrapping his arms around her waist and squeezing gently. He stuck his face into the crook of her neck and gave it a light peck, before trailing soft kisses from her neck up to her cheek.

Angela giggled softly and turned her head to give him more access to her face. He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, before pulling away, though his arms never left her waist.

"Izzy, Joshie! Breakfast is ready!" Angela called out gently, smiling when she heard the sound of little footsteps rushing into the kitchen.

They were both dressed in matching suits, the only difference being their tie colors. Isaac wore a red tie, while Josh wore blue — their favorite colors respectively.

Once breakfast was done, Edward handed Angela the keys to the Volvo. "Why don't you get the boys into the car while I wash the dishes?" The vampire smirked.

Angela only laughed, as she grabbed the keys. She knew Edward was going to use his vampire speed to get the dishes done faster.

Before she left the kitchen though, she paused. "You sure? I can wash the dishes myself, it's not your responsibility."

Edward simply kissed her forehead softly and used his thumb to caress her face gently. "You cooked, so I'll clean. It's only fair, Angel."

The Weber girl blushed, but before she could reply — Isaac was suddenly pushing against Edward's legs.

"No besos with Gigi right now! It's Jesus Day!" The little boy exclaimed, while Josh stood to the side and nodded — sporting a comically straight face for a six-year-old.

Angela and Edward both laughed, before Angela took one hand of each boy into her own hands. "Sorry boys, it won't happen again! Now let's get you into the car so we can go to church." She smiled.

"We're still going to the beach after, right, Gigi?" Izzy asked excitedly.

Angela's smile became more strained, as she saw Edward suddenly tense from the corner of her eye. She gently encouraged the twins to start walking towards the door, as she nodded. "Mhm. The quicker we get to church, the quicker we get to go to the beach."

That was all it took to get both boys out of the house and bounding towards the Volvo as fast as their little legs could carry them. Angela walked at a much more controlled pace, as a feeling of dread filled her stomach.

She was sure Edward would be having some words with her.

— 𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 Volvo in one of the closest parking spaces before Angela got out to help Isaac and Josh out of the car.

"Why don't you boys go pick out our seats for us? Edward and I have to discuss something, but we'll be in there in a few minutes." Angela coaxed, smiling when neither boy made a fuss about it.

They were so excited about the beach, that nothing else really mattered at the moment.

Angela sighed as she got back into the Volvo and faced Edward.

His jaw was clenched tightly, his hands balled and resting on his thighs, as he steadily remained looking straight ahead.

"Don't be mad, please," Angela whispered, moving to place her hand on his own.

At her touch, his hands immediately unclenched — his entire posture beginning to relax. The bronze-haired boy turned to face Angela.

"When did you even decide this?"

Angela sighed. "Jacob texted me last night about hanging out with him, Embry, and Quil at the beach. I told them that I had to watch my brothers and declined, but he said I could bring them along. I knew my boys would be happy to go to the beach, so I agreed." She explained, tacking on a shrug at the end.

Edward pulled his hand away from Angela and sighed, though they both knew it was unnecessary.

"You knew I wouldn't cut off contact with them, Edward. Please don't be mad." She pleaded again.

The vampire took a moment to gather himself before he gently clasped Angela's hand. "I'm not mad at you. It's just- I worry, okay? I don't like the idea of not being there just in case something happens to you or the twins."

Angela's eyes softened, as understanding dawned on her. She squeezed Edward's hand lightly. "Don't worry about me and the boys. We're not gonna be doing anything crazy — it's just a beach day."

When she noticed Edward still looking doubtful, she moved to cup his cheek. "Hey. Nothing is going to happen to us. I promise."

Edward nodded, and the couple broke apart. Angela smiled in relief, glad that the tension had finally been taken care of.

Edward was quick to get out and round the car, before opening the door for the Weber girl.

Now that everything was okay, they were both determined to have a good time together at church with the boys.

𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍.  ﹙twilight.﹚¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now