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— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐎 her house was spent in silence, as Angela stared out of the window in hopes of getting her emotions back into control

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— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐎 her house was spent in silence, as Angela stared out of the window in hopes of getting her emotions back into control.

It was hard though.

All she could think about was Lauren's hurtful words, and what Jessica had apparently said about her.

Now logically, Angela knew that she should probably hear Jessica out, but the Stanley girl had said her words had come out wrong — which meant that there was a modicum of truth in what had been said. And Angela honestly didn't know what to do with that information.

She and Jessica have been friends for years, but more and more often — she's been having a hard time defending the girl's words and actions. Her attitude had not been kind recently — especially after the arrival of the Cullens. She knew the Jessica she was friends with wasn't like the Jessica now. The one that acted like Lauren and followed her around like a lap dog.

But she also hoped that the chances of Jessica seeing sense were still there. Maybe not a lot — after all, if she could let Lauren stomp on Angela like that — then the Jessica from middle school that never let anyone say a mean word against Angela was gone. Replaced only with a copy and paste of the pretty blonde with a mean streak.

It made her sad to face the reality that Jessica simply might not want to be her friend anymore. But she had to try. She had to at least talk with the girl once more.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sudden stop of the car. She looked towards Edward, who smiled at her softly, before turning off the car and getting out.

Before she could do the same, he rounded the car and opened the door for her.

She blushed slightly but got out of the car quickly. "Thank you." She whispered, her throat a bit scratchy from all the crying she'd done on the way home without realizing it.

She blushed again in embarrassment, as it dawned on her that Edward had seen her have yet another breakdown.

Two breakdowns in one day. Way to go, Angela. She thought to herself snidely.

"Let's get you inside, Angel. I could make you some hot chocolate?" He whispered softly, to which Angela nodded appreciatively.

"Please." The brunette whispered back, as she made quick work of unlocking the door and hanging her coat on the rack next to it. She then took Edward's coat, before turning to face him and smiling nervously.

"Welcome to my home." She gestured to the house in a little 'ta-da' fashion, before heading towards the kitchen.

Edward followed her closely and was about to comment on the coziness of the place before the sound of rushing footsteps caught the couple's attention.

Realization dawned on Angela, as she remembered that her brothers finished school earlier than her.

"Gigi, you're home!" Isaac exclaimed happily, as he clung to her legs in a tight embrace. His twin not far behind.

Angela smiled fondly, as she gently patted both of her brother's heads. "Well hello there, you little rascals."

Josh was the first to pull back, as he noticed Edward leaning against the counter and smiling at the domesticity the three siblings painted.

The little boy moved to hide his face behind Angela's leg, as he whispered. "Gigi, who's that?"

"Joshie, Izzy, this is my friend — Edward. Say 'hi'." She smiled.

Isaac — being the more extroverted one of the two, gave Edward a big toothy grin and waved wildly, while Josh gave a small wave before moving back to hide behind Angela.

Isaac then turned to face Angela, and whispered — quite loudly, "Is he your boyfriend, Gigi?" Much to Edward's amusement, and Angela's horror.

The tall girl blushed heavily, and Edward couldn't help but tease. "Yeah, Gigi. Am I your boyfriend?" He smirked.

But before she could respond, Isaac ripped away from Angela to scowl at the bronze-haired boy. "Hey, mister! Gigi is mine and Joshie's nickname for her. Get your own!"

"Izzy, don't be rude!" Angela gasped, lightly admonishing her brother.

But Edward only laughed. "My apologies, little man. If I make you and Joshie some hot chocolate, will I be forgiven?"

Isaac and Josh shared a comically long look as if silently discussing it with each other, before turning to Edward and nodding in perfect unison.

"Wonderful." Edward smiled, and Angela only sighed in mock exasperation.

"Two minutes in my house and you're already stuffing my brothers with sugar. What a bad influence you are, Mr. Cullen." She teased.

"Oh, I apologize from the bottom of my heart, Ms. Weber. I am terribly sorry." He shot right back, and Angela smiled.

She had no idea how Edward could make her feel so much better after such a terrible day, but she was eternally grateful for the bronze-haired man.

And as she joined her boys in the kitchen — she knew everything would be okay.

𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍.  ﹙twilight.﹚¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now