1. Blood

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The sound of a gun firing rang threw my ears. The black alley. I had been inside once and it wasn't the best experience. I gripped on my jacket. I could hear whimpers, maybe someone needed help? 

"H-hello, anyone here?" I had gathered all my courage and was now walking down the dark alley, with every step forward I could feel my confidence leave me. It was quiet, all you would be able to hear, was the sound of rats but as I got deeper even I couldn't hear them anymore. Maybe there was actually nothing and I was imagining, I immediately turned heading back towards the street light which was starting to flicker.

As I was going, I stepped on a thick liquid. I reverted my sight to the ground. BLOOD. It looked fresh. I caught onto a shadow behind me, it was walking towards me! My breathing changed into a fast pace, I had to get out of here. NOW!

I ran towards the light. Sweat dripping from my forehead, I was going to die! I slid onto the sidewalk, a trail of bloody footprints behind me. The constant sound of footsteps behind me was getting louder. I could see my hotel from far away but I was too late.

Within seconds, I blacked out............


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