10. Dinner Party

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I stumbled as I heard footsteps coming towards the living room, Oh shit! I hovered my fingers over the wall to find a loose brick. 

I tripped, and my hand met with a brick. Finally! It closed. I face planted on the floor, but quickly turned over to look as unsuspicious as possible.

"What are you doing?"

I turned to the side resting on my elbow, like I was a photoshoot model.

"U-uh, nothing I was just looking for something! Yeah!" That was the stupidest lie ever. Jungkook  turned his gaze from me to the painting. OH SHIT!

"Why's the painting on the floor?"

"Ahahaha, errr I was cleaning the walls and um I needed to remove the painting?" I knew he wasn't buying it. I changed the subject so he wouldn't ask anymore questions. "Anyways, ummm what brings you here?" I mentally slapped myself.

"Uh, it's my house. Am I not allowed to be here?"

"Oh, of course. Sorry"

"Actually, we need to attend one of my colleagues dinner party" 

WE! Why did I have to go?

"Change into something decent, and we'll go" He walked of to his room. Decent? I looked gorgeous with the clothes I was already wearing, but I didn't want to make him mad so I changed into a suit.


The whole time Jungkook was to busy talking with people who seemed like rich billionaire jerks. He introduced me to most of them but I didn't seem to remember any of their names.

I was drinking something, which obviously cost hundreds from the way it looked. I took a sip when I noticed a guy staring at me, what a creep. He walked over and took the seat next to me.

"Hi, how come we have never met before? I'm sure I would've noticed a person beautiful as you" I scoffed at his remark.

"Yes, I'm gorgeous I know that" I moved to the edge of my seat, and gulped down the expensive drink.

"Oh, I've never seen anyone drink apple juice like that?"

I nearly choked on air! APPLE JUICE!? What the hell, why would they serve this at such a expensive place like this! I turned over to see him laughing at me.

"Let me guess? You thought it was something else?" I glared at him. "I'm Wyatt" he extended his hand.

I shook it. "Jimin"

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