22. Grateful

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"H-hey! Let go" I yelled out as he pulled me towards the car. He looked at me and then tugged on me harder. "Stop!" I shouted pulling my hand away from his, I could feel the stares of people walking past.

"Don't make a scene, you should be grateful I even came back for you. Don't make me regret it" he whispered to me, his voice filled with rage.

"GRATEFUL? I SHOULD BE GRATEFUL? I don't even know who you are, how the fuck am I supposed to be grateful!? Just because we're 'married' doesn't mean I have to stay with you! I hate you! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I shouted at him, everyone now looking at us but I couldn't care less. I started walking away.....I was only a few steps far when I felt strong arms grab me.

"WT- AHHHHHHH" I yelled as Jungkook started carrying me to the car. "Hey! LET GO!" I yelled smacking his back. "LET ME DOWN YOU FUCKER!" I Screamed but widened my eyes when he slapped my ass.

"Shut up or I'll spank you again" I went quiet. He carried all the way to the car, throwing me in the back seat. "Go" he said and the driver pressed on the accelerator.

"Hey where are we going?" I asked but he didn't answer me, instead he rested his head on my shoulder. "Hey what are you-"  "Lend me your shoulder for a bit" he said, his eyes firmly closed and I found myself staring at him, my heart beating.

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