4. Shattered Glass

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I was awoken by a loud noise, and the voices in my head which wouldn't let me sleep. I creeped out of the room, I was allocated to, the first day in the mansion and it's already bugging me. I tiptoed to the other side of the corridor, I had to be careful not to wake up Jungkook If I didn't want to die. I slid past his room and went downstairs.

It was quiet, I headed towards the kitchen. I noticed something glisten in the moonlight, there was shattered glass everywhere, maybe something fell? Something caught my attention, there was som type of substance on the glass..........BLOOD!

My eyes widened, I felt someone watching me......my heart started beating faster. Someone grabbed my shoulder...

"AHHHHHHHH-" they placed their finger on my lips

"Shhhhh" It was Jungkook! "Couldn't sleep?"

"U-uh, u-uh I-I h-heard s-something t-thats w-why" I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Its probably just the wind, let's go back"

"N-no, the glass" I pointed towards the shattered peices

"One of the maids must have done it" he tried leading me back 

"B-but the blood stains"

"It's just tomato sauce" He pushed me up the stairs, but my focus was still on the glass.....it felt like Jungkook was hiding something?

He lead me to his room, and dove onto the bed with me in his arms. I started panicking as he held me tight.

"U-uh I-I d-don't w-want t-to d-disturb y-you" I tried getting off the bed but he just pulled me back!

"It's fine, I like hugging something when I sleep" I was sure I was red as a tomato by now! "And I want to keep an eye on you"

An Eye on me! I made a plan that I would escape when he had fallen asleep, but in a matter of minutes, I shut down.

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