28. Long Time No See

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"Jimin? It's been a while, how come you never called?" He stepped towards me.

"Haha, Wyatt! wow long time no see" I walked over to him, engulfing him in a hug. I tried distracting him from the window, but the wind suddenly breezed through the corridor.

"Huh? What are you doing upstairs? And why is the window opened?" He slightly pushed me and walked towards it, I felt sweat from on my forehead and I blocked him. He looked at me confused and tried kept walking but I held his hand.

"What are you doing? It's ok, I was getting some fresh air, you know" my grip tightened around his wrist, trying desperately to stop him.

"Oh..well if you need fresh air, we can go to the garden! Mr Han has a spectacular rose orchid outside!" He brushed his fingers against me and kept walking. 

"Wait-" I stood in front of him, I held his hand. "Let's go to the garden, come on" I smiled but he didn't move.

"Ok...let me just close the window" he pushed past me and was now standing in front of the open doors. Shit.

"N-no" he slowly shut them, suddenly there was a 'thud'.

"OW!" I facepalmed. Damn it.

"W-what was that?" Wyatt asked, he looked out of the window trying to spot the cause of the sound. I peered down but luckily Yujin wasn't there.

"Hmm..I don't know, it was probably just an owl or something? Anyways let's go to the garden" I linked my arms around his and dragged him along, taking a quick glance towards the ground. We walked off and I was now sitting in the garden with Wyatt talking about something I didn't care about. I didn't see Jungkook when I went downstairs? And I don't where know Yujin went either. "Uhh..I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be back!" I yelled not waiting for a response from Wyatt.

I weaved through the people, and towards the bathroom. I looked into the mirror hoping Yujin would've somehow gotten over the window and would now be running with the documents.


I grabbed my phone from my pockets. A smile spread across my face.

"I got the document!"

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