6. Psycho

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"L-let g-go"

"Where are your manners darling?"

"L-let go! p-please"

He let go of my neck, and I inhaled a great amount of oxygen. From the corner of my eye, I could see him smirk. Was this guy Psycho!?


The memories of that indecent still haunt me. This guy could probably kill me with his bare hands. Ever since then, I have always been cautious around him, I normally avoid talking to him and don't make any eye contact at all! As each day passed I felt more unsafe and scared in this place.

I woke up one morning feeling really dizzy, I washed my face and went downstairs. To my surprise Jungkook was eating breakfast. He was pretty handsome when he isn't scary or mad.

"Your avoiding me aren't you?"

"H-huh" He got of his chair and walked towards me.

"Darling, I don't like that, so don't do it" he came closer to me, I stepped back. He leaned in.....I closed my eyes, but nothing happened.....when I opened my eyes, he wasn't there. What is with this guy?


I was scrolling threw social media, when I got a phone call. It was Hobi Hyung , we hadn't talked since the wedding and I was glad he hadn't forgotten about me!


"Hello, Jimin! Dude are you ok?" I could hear the panic in his voice.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"What!? You don't know? Your parents went missing!"

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