2. Unconscious

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I could hear someone screaming my name, their voice was getting closer. I could feel my body getting lighter as I slowly died, within seconds I blacked out.

"Jimin, wake up brother"


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"Doctor, he's waking up!"

"Call in his parents! Now!"

"OMG, my baby! Your alive!" I could hear faint voices, which sounded like my parents. My vision was still blurry and I was slipping in and out of consciousness.

My eyes shot open, I leaned up off the bed.

"Argh" My head hurt, I could feel a tight grip on my hand.I looked over to see my mom, dried tear along her eyes. I smiled. I didn't know how I ended up here, the last thing I remember was someone calling my name out. Beside me, there was a small table, I picked up my phone, and checked the time, the screen was broken but what shocked me more was the fact it was the 23 of December! I was unconscious for 5 fricking days!

"Ugh" I looked over to see my Mom, she rubbed her eyes then gasped when she saw I was awake. "Omg, babyyyyyy" she threw her arms around me and started crying.

"Ouch, be careful mom!" I reminded her of the fragile state my body was in.

"Ok, ok let me call the doctor and then we'll go home!" She left me and I stared at the wall, the memories of the alley flooded my brain. A shiver ran down my spine.

Later on, I was able to be discharged after some check ups. They told me I had been in a car accident which answered most of my questions. When we went home, the first thing I did was run upstairs, to my sister's room, she hadn't visited me the whole time I was in the hospital.But she wasn't there?

"Uhhhh, Mom? Where's Yujin?" 

They looked at me, as if they saw a ghost?


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