5. In the corridor

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"JIMINNNNNNN!!! Save me!"

Sweat dripped from my forehead, I dove my face into my hands. Another nightmare. I looked over to see an empty bed, I pulled off the blankets, and walked over to the bathroom. I turned on the tap and washed my face in the cold running water.

As I came downstairs, I noticed the glass was gone and the place looked less scarier than last night. The maid served me breakfast and informed me that Jungkook had gone to work, like I would care. But the thought of having the whole mansion to myself excited me!


The whole day I spent eating ice cream and watching Netflix but by the afternoon I had gotten bored, and my legs were numb. I decided I would look around the mansion with the remaining time. The place was huge, I'm sure you could fit 15 cars NO! 20 cars in here! This guy was filthy rich!

I roamed around for about 30 minutes, and I think I might be lost? I was checking the time on my phone, when I looked over to the last door of the corridor. The maids always told me not to enter because Jungkook hates it when someone goes into his study. 

"A little peek won't hurt anyone." I made my way down the corridor, I stopped near the door knob. My hands reached out but I stopped......I felt something glide past my neck, I turned around but it was empty. My hairs on my arm stood up. My hand now trembling, I reached to open the door.......

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" My eyes widened, I turned over my shoulder to see a pissed Jungkook.

"Darling, what are you doing here?" I was about to answer, but nothing came out "didn't I warn you about not going in there" He threw his arms over my shoulder and gripped tightly on my neck, I whimpered.

"You don't want to see me angry, do you?" He tightened his grip, by now I couldn't breathe.....

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