29. Mr Han

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"Let's go" Jungkook clutched my hand as we made our way past the crowd of people.

"Huh? Yujin said she-" 

"I know, I got the text" He cut me off as we headed to the front door, his hands reached towards the handle. Just when he was opening it someone caught his hand.

"Oh? Leaving already, I see Mr Jeon" My eyes looked towards the voice. Mr Han. He had a smug smile plastered on his face and his eyes stared at Jungkook with delight, but anyone who saw those orbs knew that there was only pure hatred.

Jungkook shook Mr Han's hand off his wrist while a smile spread across his face. "Mr Han! I would love to stay but you see, my husband is having some trouble" he placed his hand over my shoulder, as if supporting me.

"Really? Are you alright Mr Jeon?" I noticed Mr Han looking at me, and then it hit me, he was asking me!


"He's feeling a bit unwell, right Jimin?" Jungkook gestured me to me, raising an eyebrow as if telling me to answer.

"I..*cough* *cough* yes, im feeling a little sick, it's probably something I drank" I smiled slightly making it convincing. Mr Han nodded as he moved out of the way, and Jungkook dragged me out. 

Mr Han called out. "Be careful!"

I nodded as he waved and Jungkook shoved me into the car that had just pulled up. "That was close" he rubbed his temples, and let out a huge sigh, I also let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Yujin said she'd be waiting at the house, we should get going" he instructed the driver to drive.

"Um..." I had to ask him something.

"What? What is it?" He looked at me, concern washed over his face.

"How do you know my sister? I know you guys were about to get married and everything, but you don't seem that fazed to know she ran away? And My parents, where are they? And why did they have to lie, about Yujin? And what about the debt my parents owe you? I didn't know they took out a loan?"

By the time I finished asking my questions, Jungkook looked at me with his eyes wide. "That's a lot of questions" he chuckled nervously as I nodded my head. He looked at me as his gaze softened. "I guess I could try to answer those" I looked at him and listened. 

"Four years...It's been four years since I lost him" 

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