27. Window

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Here I was, yet again at another party, standing like an out of place, lost duckling. I was wearing a grey suit and a matching tie, Jungkook held my hand as we made our way through a crowd, to the over corner of the hall.

Just as we got there, a lady who looked like she was in her mid 40s stopped us. She gleamed at Jungkook and pinched his cheeks. "Awwwww, look at you! All grown up, how have you been?" Jungkook plastered a smile on his face as she pinched harder.

"I'm great Aunt Chaewon" he sighed.

"Oh! Don't call me Aunty! You're making me feel old. Call me Noona" I held in my laughter, but a small giggle left my mouth. She looked past Jungkook and at me. "And who must you be?" She pushed Jungkook aside, coming closer to me, and I back away.


"He's my husband, now please leave him alone." He slightly pushed her on the shoulder and pulled me along. I could hear her screaming behind, but the music muffled her out. As we got to the group of people, I went over the plan we had agreed on.

 First, Jungkook would distract the owner of the house Mr Han, while I made my way to the second floor. I would open the window in the corridor, in which Yujin will climb through, we'd make our way to his office and take out the documents. After that, we make a run for it.

Ok I know it sounds a little confusing but let me explain, Mr Han is supposedly the person that kidnapped my parents, Jungkook claims that he was doing it to take revenge on him for not partnering with his company and rejecting his daughter. And those "documents" which were once stolen from Jungkook's office (chapter 13) were the marriage contract between him and me. So Sheri was Mr Han's Daughter? Though I didn't understand any of this, I trusted Jungkook.

While Jungkook was talking to the group of people , including Mr Han, I made my way up stairs. I crept through the hallway and to the window on the left, I slowly opened the curtains and looked down, there was a huge tree in front of me and I kept a look out for Yujin. I heard rustling and she popped out of the branches.

"Hurry up! Get in" I whispered-yelled trying to reel her in. She groaned clutching onto the window frame, I edged over the opening and grabbed a hold of her and tugged.

"Oh! It's you!"


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