23. Driver

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I turned forward, I could see a tint of red smeared across my cheeks through the rear mirror, my cheeks burnt up as his fluffy hair brushed my neck. It was making me nervous, I decided to distract myself by looking out the window. 

I noticed the driver taking quick glances at me through the mirror. He was an elderly man, in his early 70s maybe, he wore a black suit and white gloves to match it, his silver watch reflecting from the street lights. My thoughts were interrupted when he opened his mouth.

"Young love" he sighed, I looked at him.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"You youngsters are so lucky, it's so hard to find a loyal partner these days" a smile crept on his face "I haven't seen him so happy before" 

"I'm sorry, I'm not following? Who?"

"Jungkook! I've never seen him head over heels for someone!"  WHAT?  "He's always been the cold type, but I can see he's warmed up to you, thank you for taking care of him" I stared blankly, then he spoke again. "You know, ever since his parents passed away, he grew distant toward everyone. Watching him grow up without someone to support him was really heartbreaking, god knows what he's been through"

I slowly turned over to Jungkook, I saw him a new angle now, growing up without parents would be hard. "Yeah" I replied.

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