11. Jealousy

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I glanced over at Jungkook, Women were crawling on him for his attention and he didn't even seem to mind. Obviously, they were flirting and he had literally forgotten I had existed!?

"Jealousy, a true disease"

I turned to glare at Wyatt, who was smirking back at me.

"I'm not jealous!"

He simply hummed, before pulling me close. Our faces were incredibly close and I could feel stares including Jungkook's.

"Let's dance" with that he pulled onto the centre of the room where all the couples were dancing. I felt hesitant but I started to enjoy myself. He was quite a good dancer but not as good as Hobi hyung.

Without warning he twirled me, which caused me to trip but before I could fall he caught me by my waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks burnt up.

"Excuse me" Someone tapped on Wyatt's shoulder, I looked past to see......Jungkook!

"May I have my Husband back?" I could see right through his act, he was mad. Wyatt stepped aside, and Jungkook took my hand. As Wyatt walked away he winked at me.

"Darling~" A shiver ran down my spine. "Are you trying to make me jealous, hmm?" I could clearly tell he was pissed.


The drive home was quiet, Jungkook had his veiny hand on my thigh and as much as I wanted to remove it, I couldn't.

The minute we reached home Jungkook went straight to his study and I went to my room. I decided to change into something more comfortable, when I noticed a piece of paper in my pocket? I unfolded it and it had a sequence of numbers written with the caption "Call me ❤️". With one look, I knew it was from that idiot Wyatt.

I threw it aside, and changed into a shirt with a pair of shorts. I was tired so I decided I would go to bed.


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