30. Flashback

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I'm so sorry for the delay guys, I know it's been a long time but I've been busy with school 📚 and homework 😭. I'm sorry but here you go guys, hope you enjoy it! Sorry and THANKYOU! 😔😍

(Flash back in italics)

The doors opened, and the sound  of  footsteps was heard throughout the Mansion. I sat at the dining table, my feet tapping along the floor as I waited for  what was approaching. The footsteps stopped as if  inspecting the surroundings.

"Good Afternoon" A young male voice spoke as the whispers of the maids overshadowed the frail vocals. My father beckoned the voice closer, the feet thumping against the floor.

" I'm Hajoon, Baek Hajoon"  I looked up at the voice and the he looked down at me and a smile spread across his face. His hair was gelled to the side as a strand of hair flopped into his forehead escaping the semi-liquid's hold, his hair was black with traces of  red  dye on the tips. He smiled with all his teeth, though his 2 front teeth were missing, his tie choking his neck, his shirt flatly ironed to look as professional as possible. 

My father cleared his throat "How old are you again?"  His voice stern but a lingering sense of affection towards him. My mother giggled as she saw the gap in between his teeth.

"Six" Oh, he's younger than me, I thought. He then proudly showed his smile as the maids smiled at him.

"Well  Baek Hajoon" My father placed his hands on the table intertwining his hands together "I hope you don't mind becoming a Jeon" He smiled as Hajoon's face lit up and he exploded with gratitude.


Ever since I can remember my brother Hajoon was my right hand man, my partner in crime and my best friend. Even when our parents died, I knew I could count of him, though it took time accepting him. He'd always follow me around like a lost puppy, and I was surprised to hear that he had found someone he loved more.

"She's so pretty Hyung!"

"Hm" I nodded as he blabbered on and on about a girl he had met at a coffee shop

"I've fallen hopelessly in love, you need to meet her!" I nod again, causing him to frown. "You're not listening!"

"I am, yeah sure bring her tomorrow" I waved my hand at him, brushing away his accusation.

"Hyung this is Yujin and Yujin this is Jungkook. My brother." I nodded as I shook hands with the women Hajoon had been raving on about. She looked like every other women I had encountered, nothing special like Hajoon had described, her lips curved up in a smile, you could tell it was genuine from the way her eyes turned into crescent moons, most likely having it hard for her to see.

"Nice to meet you" 

"Same here" I nodded. Things went smoothly from there, Hajoon was convinced she was "the one" and they got along pretty well. I did some digging, as an older brother of course and she had a neat background, she grew up in Busan with her parents and younger brother Park Jimin and shifted to Seoul in the ninth grade. Her mom was a teacher and her dad a carpenter, there were no issues.

Is what I thought....

"Sorry there's nothing we can do, it's in the his will"

"WHAT? I never agreed to this!" Hajoon yelled at the Executor who was reading out my father last wish he had stated on his will. "How come you didn't tell me when he died, it's been 9 years!" He slammed his hand on the table. "I'm not marrying her!" 

Many years after my parents passing, the state found one last wish he had added to the will which was never fulfilled. Hajoon had to marry the granddaughter of one of our biggest shareholders, Mrs Cha. This was to keep the company afloat if anything ever happened to my parents. This marriage was to combine power and wealth.

"Mr Jeon, your father had clearly already made the decision all you can do is follow. My granddaughter would make the perfect wife, I assure you."  Mrs Cha had a sly smile across her face as she patted her daughter, Eunji's hand.

Hajoon snapped. "I don't care, this marriage IS NOT HAPPENING!" He turned to me. "Hyung, say something please" I opened my mouth to speak but got cut off.

"I'm afraid that's not up to you, your father has already talked about it with me. You will be marrying Eunji, if you like it or not" Mrs Cha fixed her sleeves and stood up. "We will be taking our leave now, the wedding planner with contact you to discuss the details" She left.

That night Hajoon packed all his bags, he told me that he was running away and there was no one else he would marry other than Yujin. He had left by the morning even after I tried to make him stay so we could work it out.


I was sitting in my office listening to my assistant go over the recent budget cuts and deals. When the door flung open, revealing a sweaty and out of breath Hajoon.

"Hyung!" He panted. "She's gone..."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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