16. Chains

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The letters flashed through my head, and I tumbled forward collapsing onto the ground. I was blindfolded, and my hands were tied together.I struggled to get up, trying to find my way through the dark, but tripping.

Suddenly, I heard a sound as if someone had entered the dark surrounding. I brung my hands in front of me, to stop myself from hitting into anything. I placed my hands onto something that was really smooth and hard. I hovered my hands over them trying to recognise the object.

"How long are you going to keep touching my chest?" I yelped before removing my hands from him, but I got pulled back. I struggled under his grip, due to the rope I wasn't able to pull away.

"S-sorry" I mumbled 

I felt something wet touch my ear, which made me shiver. Jungkook started nibbling my ear, I squinted my eyes, as if that would help. I WAS BLINDFOLDED!

Before long, I felt someone untying my blindfold. I sighed in relief, thank goodness! But I got hit by a flash of light, which burnt my eyes!

"Ugh! I looked away trying to cover my eyes. But my chin was pulled up by a blurry figure. I squinted my eyes and realised it was JUNGKOOK! My heart rate started to increase, as I could feel my own sweat dripping from my forehead.

My mind flashed back to when he held me down, and threatened me about my parents. My heart was now beating in a inhuman speed. He leaned in close to my ear.

"Thinking about your parents , hm?" I clenched on the arm rests. "Don't worry I won't hurt them~" I felt my hands relax as he whispered those words

"But on one condition~..."

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