3. Arrange Marriage

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"SHE WHAT?!" I gasped as my parents explained the situation 

"Yes, and that brings us to the next problem" I turned over to see my dad, he had his hand on his forehead. "We had arranged a marriage with a business I owe a huge loan to, but now that your sister eloped with someone else. We'll have to go ahead with you"

My jaw dropped. M-me! I couldn't believe they actually thought I was going to marry someone guy I don't even know!

"Sorry, but no! Mom, dad why would I do that? I'm not just going to marry someone dude I don't even know! This isn't happening!" I ran upstairs and slammed the door shut. How could they just arrange a marriage for me! No wonder, Yujin ran away, but something in me told me she didn't?

——— - — —————————

Just a month later, I was thrown into marriage. All my pleading didn't work, my parents needed me to marry this guy. The next thing I knew, I was saying my vows while everyone watched my tiny figure sweat. 

I was too busy staring at the ground, when I felt a hand grab mine.I slowly looked up and locked eye contact with the guy. His stare could probably burn a hole in me, I gulped and I think he noticed  it because a smirk spread across his face.

"You may kiss"


Before I could think, He grabbed me into a kiss. I couldn't breathe, everyone was clapping and I felt like I was going to faint. I struggled and tried to pull away but he just pulled me closer, I could feel him smirk between the kiss. I hit his chest multiple times before he let go.


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