15. Family

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My body thrashed against the wall, a clump of pictures landed on the ground. I felt a sharp pain on my neck and I was struggling to breathe.

When I finally cracked my eyes open, I was met with JUNGKOOK! His eyes glowed red and widely grinning looking like a maniac!I grabbed onto his arm attempting to loosening his grip. His veins popping out from the force.

"W-what a-are you d-doing, let go!" I shoved him and surprisingly he fell to the ground. I stumbled towards the door, glancing at him from the corner of my eye. Sliding out of the pathway, I ran to the front door but obviously wasn't quick enough.

"Ugh!" I got pushed to the ground. My chin slamming the cold hard ground causing my to shout in pain.I struggled as Jungkook rested himself on my back. He squeezed my waist, slowly rubbing my side shifting up inside my shirt. I flinched to the contact. His hands against my bare skin.

"Where do you think your going?" He whispered in my ear. "You don't want, what happened to your parents happen to you. Do you?" My body shivered.....He knew about my parents! What does he mean? What happened to them?! What was the picture all about!? Unconsciously, my tears started flowing. The memories of my parents rushing in. 

He made his way up to my neck, digging his nails into my flesh, tightening his grip.

"You don't want to lose your parents? Do you?" I couldn't say anything....WHAT DID HE DO TO MY PARENTS!? He fumbled threw his pockets, rummaging to find something. He pulled out a white handkerchief, and pressed it on my nose and mouth. I tried pulling away but it was no use. 

"Oh....let's not forget about your sister~" I mind was getting fuzzy.....Noona, he knew about her too! I thrashed around in his arms, what did he do to my family!? My eyes getting drowsy against my will. Before, I could control myself......I blacked out.


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