17. Escape

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My body stiffened.....

"Give me back what you took~"

I slowly turned my neck to the side to have a glance at Jungkook. I was flooded with confusion, WHAT DID HE MEAN!?

Before I could ask anything more, I felt a sharp pain in my waist. It needle pierced through my skin and he injected the liquid. 

"Waaa?" I wasn't able to mouth proper words and soon I blacked out.


"Ugh!" I opened my eyes, I looked over to my arms to see them bruised with a light red mark due to the rope holding me down. I was tied to a chair, my ankles strapped tight to the chair legs. My wrists hurt as well as my head. HOW LONG HAD I BEEN UNCONSCIOUS FOR!?

I sat there silently, the sound of the wind through the wind was a bit comforting though- WAIT.......WAIT A MINUTE! A WINDOW!? Wth? Was this guy so stupid to leave the window open? Or does he want me to escape!?

I gained all my strength as I jumped forward towards the window still stuck to the chair! I ended up on the edge of the window, stuck trying to untie the ropes.I was desperate to get free but nothing was helping. I thrashed around in the chair, I started clawing the rope with my teeth, I bit it furiously. Finally I was able to get an arm free. 

I tore off the other ropes, and climbed onto the edge of the window preparing to jump. There was a tree near by so I decided to climb onto that.


I turned towards the big metal door. 'BANG'

It sounded as if someone was trying to break through.I was about to jump out but then the door came crashing down!

"Hands UP!"

Lasers filled the room. People with weapons entered the room.WTF? Suddenly someone grabbed onto my arm pulling me down.

"HEY!" I tumbled down. As they held my hands behind my back, I struggled in the dudes grip. I felt something cold on my forehead.....IT WAS A GUN!

"Where is he?"

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