9. Breakfast

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I kept glancing over to the painting.

"Ouch, what was that for?" I looked over at granny, she was an old lady who worked for Jungkook. She seemed to be the closest to Jungkook probably because she worked for his parents, and took care of him after their deaths.

"You haven't even touched your food! It's going get cold!" I smiled at her before taking a bite of my toast. She was like another mother to me. She was kind and always looked out for me.

"Is breakfast ready?" Jungkook came downstairs, was it weird to be jealous of how flawless he was? He swiftly walked to the dining table while adjusting his coat. He sat across from me, and granny placed a plate in front of him.

I kept my head low.

After breakfast, Jungkook went to the sink to wash his hands. I watched as granny pinched his cheeks and cooed over his looks. I couldn't help but chuckle and jungkook noticed my laugh. I avoided his eyes and nibbled on my toast.


I was alone in the living room, I decided I would investigate the painting. I slowly removed the painting of the wall, I had difficulty remembering which brick it was so I just pressed on all on them until the wall started moving.

Behind the wall, there was a clear pathway lighten with fire torches. Suddenly, I the front door click, SOMEONE WAS HERE! I panicked. How do you close the wall!? I tried pulling the walls back together, like that would work.AHHH NOO!!!!

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