7. Dumplings

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My heart rate raised as I held my phone to my ear. My parents? What happened to them? I ended the call with hyung and quickly dial my mom. It's switched off! I tried over and over again but no avail.

I ruffled my hair in frustration. 


It had been a week since the disappearance of my parents, no-one had any news on them and I was starting to get more and more worried, I hadn't eaten in days but Jungkook doesn't seem to care at all, he completely ignored the fact that my parents were missing!?

Jin hyung came to visit very often trying to persuade me to at least eat something, but the only thing that was on my mind was finding my parents. 

I woke up this morning, I got dragged out of bed by Jin. He insisted we went to the hospital for a check up.....

"Hmmm, it best he at least eats something....at this rate he could face problems with his health and he wouldn't have any energy to do anything. If he keeps going with this it will put risk to his life" I didn't listen to a single word the doctor said, my mind was somewhere else.

Jin dropped me home, he was worried and told me to eat something before I go to bed. I went inside the mansion, I was shocked when I saw Jungkook watching TV, he reverted his eyes to me when I closed the door. He normally never came home until late at night?

"U-uh, your back e-early?" 

He got of the couch, and walked towards me. My heartbeat raised I shut my eyes. Was he going to kill me?

"I don't want you to die" I peeked my right eye open to see him hold out a a dumpling!? What in the actual fuckkkkkkk!?

He would probably kill me if I refused, so I reluctantly ate it. He looked pleased. He handed me a plate of dumplings and watched me eat them one by one. Not gonna lie, I was starving and tasting the delicious food nearly made me cry......


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