14. Documents

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I woke up to a loud noise, The sound continued followed by a loud scream.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN! I HAD THEM ON MY DESK!" I peeked through the door, and saw Jungkook yelling at the maids. His face was fuming red.

"DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO GO IN THERE!?" By now the maid was in tears, I could tell she was newly hired because everyone knew she not go in there. 

Then it hit me.........SHERI! she wasn't in the room! OH NO!

I soon got to know from one of the maids, that one of Jungkook's important documents had gone missing and it had crucial information about a business deal. Since morning, he had been turning the whole place upside down.


The whole day I spent avoiding Jungkook, I was convinced Sheri had taken the documents, THAT WITCH! I could hear the continuous sound of glass shattering from Jungkook's study,i kind of felt bad for those vases.I would probably die if I stepped out of the room.

Jungkook hadn't come home yet, he had gone to his company to check for what felt like the 30th time. My brain wasn't functioning and I found myself standing in front of the dark pathway.I had been trying to uncover it but failed every time.I had enough of this,  WHAT WAS IN THERE!?

I stepped into the dark and was invited by a unwelcoming wind. A shiver ran down my spine as I looked back to a empty lounge. I clenched onto my shirt sleeve, I should've have brought my jumper! My legs were weak, I was trembling with fear.

From the looks of it, the place was pretty old. Cob webs everywhere and cracks all over the wall.I felt dizzy for an unknown reason, the scent of the tunnel was disgustingly familiar. The feeling of being watched wouldn't me be, but the countless times I had turned back was making me paranoid.

A large door was vaguely visible at the end of the pathway. My hands trembled as I reached for the lever, it was rusted and difficult to pull down. After many attempts  the door finally shifted open. I froze, my eyes fixed on the wall.THERE WERE WEAPONS, PICTURES OF PEOPLE WITH RED CROSSES,PINNED LETTERS.......and in the middle of it all.....A PICTURE OF MY FAMILY. I shivered, I took a step and accidentally bumped into a table and a jar fell to the ground. A discomforting aroma filled the air, I reverted my eye to the smashed glass. A liquid was leaking......BLOOD!


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