8. Behind the wall

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I sat up off the bed, I could hear footsteps behind my door. I peeked through the door, a dark figure was roaming down the corridor, I'm guessing it's Jungkook, but what was he doing up so late?

After checking he was gone, I slipped out of my room and into the corridor. I tiptoed until I was near the corner of the wall, I peeked over but luckily Jungkook wasn't there, I sighed in relief. Doing all this was making me feel like a thief NO! A spy. I heard the loud thumps which indicated that Jungkook was going down the stairs.

I hid inside a room, where all the maids kept their brooms and mops. Just then a mop was about to fall, but I had caught it, I didn't want to get caught. I peeked outside the room and saw Jungkook heading towards the fireplace, maybe he just wanted some warmth? But what he did shocked me, he removed a painting of a beautiful mountain landscape and proceeded to push a brick. Miraculously, the wall started moving and it revealed a pathway.

What was this guy hiding? I leaned closer to the door frame, and knocked over on of the brooms next to it. SHIT! I knew Jungkook would have heard it. I held my breath, please god save me! His footsteps were loud and clear, he was coming this way! 

The door knob started twisting, but then I heard a squeal.

"Jungkook-ah! We're you looking for me in the room?" A female voice?

"It Sir to you, and No"

"Awww, don't be like that. Why don't we go on a date tomorrow?"

"Sian, I'm married. Please stop this nonsense or I'll have to fire you" 

Sian! Oh, yeah isn't that one of the maids names? I always hear her gossiping with the other maids! Why is she flirting with him!? Thanks to Sian, Jungkook had forgotten about me. While Jungkook kicked Sian out, I headed back to my room.


I heard my name, I looked over my shoulder but the corridors were empty. Maybe I has hallucinating?

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