Chapter Eleven

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I'm running down the hallway, trying to find my room and trying my best to calm my panic attack by focusing on clicking my fingers. I'm about to go round a corner when I hear people talking and I don't think I can handle being around people right now so I quickly stop. I'm about to walk back from where I came from, when I hear a voice that I weirdly feel like I recognise. "I don't even know why I should bother trying to wake Kay after what she did to me and Layla." It's a girl's voice. Why do I feel like I know the voice? I swear I've heard it somewhere before but I can't place where. The two people say goodbye and walk off. I make sure to stay hidden. A boy walks past me and luckily doesn't spot me. I pop my head around the corner and see the girl walking away. Why does she seem so familiar?

It takes me a while to find my room but eventually do as I find my dad stood in the doorway. "You okay?" My dad asks, "you seemed to have a panic attack earlier."

"Yeah I'm okay now."

"Why do you look so upset and confused then love?"

"I'm okay." I lied, "I'm just tired so I'm going to bed."

"Okay love sleep well." Dad says as he hugs me. I get into bed and try to drift off.

A few hours later and I've still not been able to fall asleep. My mind won't shut up. That girl's voice won't get out of my mind. It keeps playing over and over again. I swear I know it from somewhere but where? The girl said the name Kay and I feel like I know a Kay but where from? I didn't go to school with one. Maybe a client of my dad's was called Kay. Also, the girl mentioned a Layla. Is that me? What? Of course, it's not me. Why did I think that? This is driving me insane. I'm going for a walk to try to calm myself down. I climb out of bed and slip on my slippers. "Where you going?" My dad says in a sleepy voice.

"Just for a walk I'll be back soon."

The castle is so creepy at night. It's completely silent. No one is around apart from a few guards on patrol. I've been walking for an hour and I can't get that girls voice out of my head. Come to think of it I have a new problem, where am I? I don't have the slightest clue what part of the castle I'm in. I walk to the very end of a hallway and reach a very large wooden door. I open it and my god it's heavy. I step inside and it's practically pitch black. I grab a lantern off the wall and venture in. What is this place? I quickly realise by all the cages that it's the dungeon. I hear faint crying so I follow it. I find the source. In a cage at the back of the room is a teenage girl curled up in a ball. She has wavy ginger hair. Do I know her? I feel like I've seen her somewhere before. Why is she locked up in here? "Hello, you okay?" I quietly ask.

The girl looks up at me and launches herself at the bars and starts crying her eyes out, "please help me. You have to let me out of here. We need to stop the queen. She's not who you think she is. I'm begging you let me out. Please."

My head starts filling with flashes of memories and I start to feel faint and like I can't breathe. I drop to the floor. "Are you okay miss?" The girl asks.

"I remember." I say.


"I remember everything. I remember what the queen did. I remember you princess. I remember them. I've got to go." I explain.

"Wait please don't leave me." The princess cries.

"I have to but I'll come back for you. I promise." I leave the dungeons and run off as fast as my legs could carry me.

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