Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"What was that?" Layla says.

"I don't know but it doesn't sound good." I say as slowly stand up and light a small flame in my hand. Ava summons a sword. Everyone is completely silent. Everyone is too confused to speak. Peter goes to speak but I quickly shush him and put my finger up to my lips.

"It was probably nothing." Tom says.

"Shut it." I say. I'm not so convinced this is just nothing. Call it intuition but something isn't right. Without warning, few more shock waves start and this time we could what tell what was causing it. Bombs. Someone's setting off bombs. They're randomly appearing through portals. The whole place turns onto chaos. Everyone starts running and screaming as the ceiling starts to crumble away and the floor breaks open. "Who is doing this?" Layla shouts.

Layla's question is quickly answered as a large portal opens and out steps Satella followed by her knights. Satella is holding one of the opals as it brightly glows meaning that's what she's used to create the portals. How did she even know we were here? How did she find us? The knights swarm the base. Everyone's fear quickly elevates to pure terror. A fight quickly starts. Mashie quickly distributes the weapons and Ava produces some swords for us as well using her ring. We're fighting off knights left and right. "We need to get out of here. Now!" Peter shouts.

"You guys get out I'll handle her," I say.

"We can't leave you. She'll kill you." Peter says.

"All of you get out. Go!" I order. "Mashie, get them out of here." I create a wall of fire behind me. I hear Mashie chant something which probably means she's opening a portal. Satella is stood in the distance smirking as she watches all the chaos she's caused. People escape through the portal and things go quiet. I stop the fire and pull out my daggers prepared to fight. "Ready?" I hear a girl's voice say.

I turn around and there stands Ava, Layla and Jenson with their weapons ready. "What are you doing here?" I shout, annoyed.

"We weren't going to leave you." Ava says.

"You're idiots." I say as I shake my head.

"Oh well. Now let's stop her." We charge towards the queen and her knights charge at us. Everyone's fighting for their lives. Even Layla is fighting and quite well. I see Jenson struggling so I blast a knight off him. Jenson uses his power and electrocutes five knights at once. His power is strong. A piece of the ceiling comes crumbling down and Jenson pushes me out of the way. "Thank you." I say. He doesn't reply but just smiles instead. Me and Ava are currently fighting back to back. She's stabbing the knights and I'm burning them to a crisp. Layla uses her force field to hold knights back. We stand together. We're about to run towards Satella, when I notice Ava looks shocked and upset. "What's wrong?" Layla asks.

"They're my brothers," Ava says as she points towards the queen. I look over and with the queen stands three male knights. "I can't believe they're working for her."

"They've been brain washed remember that. They think she's the true queen." I say as Ava's brothers race towards us. One of them launch their knife at Ava but she remains frozen in shock. Layla snaps in action and produces a force field in front of Ava.

I charge my pulse and throw it at the queen. With one swift motion of her hand and an opal glowing on her crown, a crystal prison dome forms around me and the girls and the pulse bounces back, we duck out the way. Jenson's stood outside the prison. "Let us out you hag." Layla demands.

"Or what? This prison is unbreakable, it's made from the strongest crystal known." Satella taunts.

"Get her!" Ava shouts to Jenson as she tries to smash the dome.

Jenson slowly walked towards Satella, which is weird, and his sword ready to attack. He then does something even weirder and unexpected. Jenson gets down on one knee in front of his mother and handed her the sword, "my queen."

"What?" Me, Ava and Layla all shout, confused.

"Shocked? Really?" Satella laughs. "Of course, my own son wouldn't betray me. I gave him the task of earning your trust and reporting your little secrets to me and he completed his task very well."

"You lied to us?" Ava shouts, "we trusted you. We thought you were our friend." I'm too stunned to say anything. I let me guard down with him. I trusted him. I'm such an idiot. This is all my fault. I should've seen past his act and lies. All Jenson cares about is himself and his mother. It's how he's always been and he's never going to change.

"I had to do whatever I could to help my queen." Jenson says and it makes me want to kill him. I'm going to kill him. He betrayed us. I hate him.

"How could you?" Layla sounds like she's on the verge of tears.

"That's an interesting necklace," Satella says which makes no sense.

"What?" I finally manage to say.

"Considering it's mine."

"No, it's not."

"How you handling the visions?" I don't answer. The others look at me confused. How does she know about them? She couldn't. "I wanted that necklace but your father wouldn't give it to me and said it was a present for you. I'm the queen and I get whatever I want. I took it and he must've knew I would because he cursed it. He got a witch, who worked in the castle, to put a curse on it so whoever is wearing the necklace will be plagued of visions of people whose close to dying. Shows what an evil man he was."

"He wasn't evil. He was a kind, caring man. You're lying." I shout in anger and pain.

"What incentive do I have to lie?" It's true. It does make sense. The visions started the same time I got my necklace. This whole time it was because of the same charm I fiddle with to calm me down from the nightmares. "Your father took all those nights of sleeping away from me and now I'm going to take something from you." Satella shouts as one of the opals starts to glow. If I remember correctly that's the opal that takes powers. I start to feel really faint and weak and I notice the others are feeling the same. I'm doing everything in my power to stay awake.

"What is she doing to us?" Layla asks, weakly.

"She's... she's taking... our powers." I manage to get out before we all drop to the floor and pass out.

Last thing I remember hearing is Satella saying "you're powers are now mine."

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