Chapter Seventeen

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"You awake?" Ava asks.

"Apparently so." I reply.

"Good." Jenson says as he appears from around the corner. What is he doing here? I quickly go over to him and punch him in her jaw.

"Kay wait. He helped us, he's on our side, he helped us wake you, it was his idea on how to. We can trust him." Layla explains. Is she serious? Have they lost their minds?

"At least we know she's awake." Jenson says asking for another punch.

"Trust him? Are you insane? He's Satella's most trusted person. He's her son for god's sake." I shout.

"We know but we're trusting him, whilst still keeping a close eye on him. It's a long story but one we believe." Layla stupidly says, "what we should be discussing is what's going on? Like how did none of us remember and how is Satella actually the queen now?"

"I can answer that. One of the opals has the ability to manipulate people's minds so she changed the memories of everyone in the kingdom, she especially wanted to make sure you three had forgotten your journey and each other. Her main person she wanted to affect was you Kay. She sees you as a threat the most. She has all of the opals and intends to keep using them until she has complete power over everyone and everything." Jenson states.

"This is just great. The queen has complete power." I complain.

"Don't forget who gave her that power." Ava stated.

"I had to otherwise she would've killed you and Layla." I argue back.

"Let's not fight, it's not going to get us anywhere." Layla said trying to diffuse the situation.

"Do you know what I don't get? Who you really are Abigail? And how exactly do you know the queen?" Ava interrogated.

"I was a maid here that's all."

"Uh huh. I don't believe it. Jenson?"

"I'm not getting involved." Jenson replied doing the right thing for once.

"It's the truth." I argue.

"There's knights coming." Peter says as he rushes over. "You awake?" He asks me and I nod.

"You're here?" I say.

"I came to help." Peter replies.

"We don't have time to chit chat, we need to go." Jenson states.

Ava and Layla already have their stuff. I quickly grab my stuff which in reality is only my necklace. I don't have any belongings here. Everything I had owned when I was living here I kept hidden but when I left I didn't have the time to grab a lot and whatever I didn't grab, Satella found and burned. We're running towards the exit as fast as we can. Without warning, Layla stops. "We need to go to the dungeons; the princess is there and I promised I'd come back for her." Layla says.

"We have to be quick then." I reply.

We race to the dungeon and it doesn't take long to find the girl. It's the king's daughter. She's huddled in the corner with tears streaming down her face. She's wearing a mint green dress and her wavy ginger hair clings to the tears. "You came back?" Evelyne said.

"I told you I would. Jenson by any chance got the key?" Layla asked, hopeful.

"Why would I have the key?" Jenson replied.

"For god's sake move." I quickly blast the cage door off releasing the princess. Luckily, it's only a small door so it doesn't hit the princess.

"Thank you. I'm Princess Evelyne."

"We know. I'm Ava, this is Layla and Kay and this is Peter and Jenson."

"Wait you're the girls that my father hired to retrieve the crown for him."

"Well, we clearly failed so let's skip the chit chat and jump straight to the running away." I interrupt.

We suddenly hear someone shout now in the distance and the walls around start collapsing. The princess screams in terror. Peter pulls me out of the way of some falling cobble. Without having to be asked, Layla puts up a force field around all of us. "This is starting to become a habit." Ava jokes, "it's the bandit's base all over again."

"Then we'll escape to the same way." I reply.

"Really? Last time it was terrifying." Layla complained.

"What was terrifying? What are we doing?" Jenson asks.

"It worked, didn't it? And there's a lake in the gardens behind the castle." I say.

"Hello? Someone please tell me what's going on?" Jenson demands.

"Kay's going to use her powers and blast us out of here like a cannon ball," Ava informs.

"Are you joking? That is a ridiculous idea. We'd be killed instantly." Evelyne argues.

"Got any better ideas your highness? Didn't think so now hold on to me as tight as you can." I say.

"I trust you." Peter says as he grabs a hold of my arm and so does everyone else. Just like last time I point my arms in the appropriate direction and put my pulse on to full power. I release my pulse and off we blast through the ceiling of the dungeon and up into the sky.

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