Chapter Twenty-Six

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It's been a few days now and we're still hiding out at the underground base I brought the others to. We've surprisingly been having fun considering the situation. We've been playing lots of games which Mashie said will help us work together better as we'll trust each other more. I've even been trying to allow myself to have some fun whilst also making sure to stay on guard which honestly has been a struggle as I keep letting things distract me. The others keep telling me to relax and that the queen won't be able to find us here but they don't know her like I do. I know how evil and manipulative she is. We've also been getting some training done. Tom's taken it upon himself to train Layla. They've been getting really close. Ava thinks they're into each other. I have no idea. I can never tell when someone fancies someone. I've never dated or fancied anyone and I don't think anyone's ever fancied me, I mean why would they? I'm not good looking and I'm extremely annoying. I've never seen myself going out with someone or settling down. Tom flirts with everyone so I have no idea if he likes her. I notice he does act slightly different around her and flirts differently. Layla goes quiet around him but she's really shy anyways. Tom says her training is going very well.

Ava and Jenson have been attempting to train Evelyne but it's not going well and it's very entertaining to watch as she's terrible at fighting. Peter asked me to help him train which I don't mind doing. He's got the strength but not the technique. If I didn't know him and knew he didn't have any powers, I would've thought his power is super strength. He has improved quite a lot.

We're all sat at the table. Jenson passes me my dinner as he sits next to me. It's so weird him being here and being nice, he's always been so horrible to me. I never imagined us hanging out. We've known each other our whole lives, I'm a year older. We've never gotten on. We used to try to be nice to each other but Satella said he's not allowed to be friends with the staff and he never spoke to me like I'm an actual person again. Everyone is starting to trust him more, even I'm trusting him a little bit. Especially as he's kept my secret about who I really am which I really appreciate. Ava asks him and he just says it's not his story to tell. It makes me feel like I can trust him.

"So, what are people's dream jobs?" Peter asks. "Ava?"

"To be a summoner. It's my power so I always thought it was fate but then it changed when I decided I wanted to prove my brothers wrong and that I could become a knight."

"I think you'd be a good summoner. I saw when you summoned that creature back in the volcano and you were so amazing." Layla encouraged which made Ava smile.


"A pirate." He answered.

"Really?" I laugh.

"I'd be great," Tom says in a terrible pirate voice.

"You'd be terrible." I mock.

"Alright what's your dream job Kay?" Tom asks.

"I don't have one."

"Bull." Tom shouts.

"It's not. I've never really thought about it. I used to have a job lined up but then things didn't go to plan and here I am." I say which is the truth.

"Being a maid?" Layla asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Why don't you have a think about it now?" Layla says.

"Umm... I literally have no idea. I'd want to do something good and useful and that helps people." I say. Becoming a thief was never in my plan. I had my whole life planned and had so much good I wanted to do but then things went downhill. Only thing I have planned is killing Satella and that is still going to happen. I will make that happen.

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