Chapter Twenty-Three

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We're all sat around the fire chatting away. We've been getting to know each other and I've learned a lot about everyone. Apart from Kay. I keep asking for her some sort of explanation to who she really is but she won't tell me and says it's not important and doesn't matter. I've tried asking Jenson and Peter but they remain silent. I also think Layla might be developing a little crush on Tom, every time he's near she goes really quiet and does this cute little smile, she also blushes a lot. I've tried talking to Kay about it but she's too busy worrying and being on edge about the queen or her knights turning up. Tom keeps trying to reassure her that we're safe and to relax but she can't and says she must remain on guard at all times. It's weird to think this whole place we're staying at has been hidden under the kingdom the entire time and we never even knew. How did Kay even find this place? How did anyone find this place? This place is huge, like ridiculously huge. Mashie has given us our own rooms which is nice. It's kind of scary having to stay in a place full of criminals, even though we are technically criminals now, but Mashie has assured as that we're safe. She explained that there are rules that everyone must follow otherwise they get kicked out: those rules include no attacking anyone or starting fights, no stealing and we all have to protect each other. She says it's like we're all one big, dysfunctional family here.

We're sat around a roaring fire that Kay made as she got frustrated with how long Jenson was taking to light the thing, she even lit his butt on fire. They keep arguing. She really does not trust him. I don't fully trust him either but I saw his face when Satella killed Alexander and it looked genuine so I'm trying to trust him. The princess keeps freaking out, especially when her dress got covered in what we're telling her is mud. I met the princess few years before all of this had started and she has not changed, she's still as whiney and obsessed with her looks but also just as kind and caring and just as beautiful. "So, what you like Tom?" Peter asks him as he makes his way over with bowls of food for all of us, the cook said it's potato and leek soup so I'm not really sure why it's a dark blue colour.

"That's a broad question, I don't know how to answer that." Tom laughs.

"It's not that hard." Peter replies, quietly.

"I can. Annoying, arrogant and a pain in the butt." Kay answers.

"Thanks, couldn't even give me a single nice one."

"Fine. A good friend who always has your back, is a ball of fun and someone you can count on to cheer you up." Kay says which is shocking to hear her say something nice about someone.

"Why thank you. You also forget handsome, charming, amazing..."

"Does that mouth ever shut up?" I interrupt.

"Only when it's being kissed." Tom says as he winks.

"You could tell us about your family and where you're from?" I say.

'Umm alright. I'm from a small town down south called Closhing, I lived there with my two dads and my two sisters who are twelve and eight."

"Why did you move up here?" It's Layla this time.

"Came to find a job to help provide for my family but didn't end up finding one and instead discovered I'm a good thief and can make more money that way. Every month I send a percentage of my money to my parents." Tom explains. I never really thought about how some criminals turned to this life because they don't a choice and is the only way to survive. It makes me feel bad for them. It also makes me appreciate all the hard work my parents did to provide for us. When I was younger I hated that my dad was a knight as I was always scared he wouldn't come home. "What about you Mashie?" Jenson asks.

"Yeah, I don't do life stories." She replies as she comes and sits with us. "I'm not the same women I used to be so I'll tell you who I am now. I have the ability to cast spells, I'm twenty-eight and I'm engaged to my fiancé Jung who is currently away on a job." She ends it there and won't let us ask any more questions. We go back to asking Tom questions as he is more than happy to answer, he seems to be a very open person. Complete opposite to Kay. I wonder if he knows the truth about her.

"Do you have any powers Tom?" Jenson asks.

"I can control nature and turn myself and other things invisible. Watch." He suddenly grows a rose in his palm then hands it to Kay in a flirty manner, I notice Layla look slightly upset but tries to hide it. Tom intensely looks at the flower and it vanishes then reappears a few seconds later. "Magic." Tom laughs. "So, what about you lot? I know Kay and unfortunately Jenson. Layla?"

"Umm..." Layla says, shyly. "I live on a farm with my mum and dad and we're healers."

"Is that what you're going to become?"

"I'd like to but I'm not sure if I could."

"I think you could, you seem like a healing type. I can see it in your eyes. They're kind and sweet. When I was younger I wanted to be a healer but not for me anymore." Tom laughs.

We spend the rest of the evening talking and getting to know each other as best as we could. Mashie says it's important to know the people you're with and all I wanted to do when she said that was scream at Kay that it is, Kay just rolled her eyes at the words. We were all talking for hours upon hours until people started to get tired and we all went to bed.

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