Kidnapped But Not Alone

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Asmodeus and Amalthea walk off the jet together and head over to man in uniform who waits for them "General"  Asmodeus and Amalthea chorus once they reach him and shake his hand "welcome Mr. Stane, Miss Stark we look forward to your weapons presentation"  the man says as he shakes their hands one at a time "oh that's all him I don't know a thing about weaponry!"  Amalthea replies waving her hand at Asmodeus the General chuckles taking her last bit as a joke even though it was somewhat true she doesn't "handle" the weapons half of Stark Industries Asmodeus and his father do as a matter of fact the only reason the weapons are still being manufactured by Stark Industries is because it's what her father wanted though she has a feeling things are about to change and soon she just doesn't know HOW they're going to change in other words she has no idea what's going to happen to her and yet she's been expecting something like it or worse for some time now after all it isn't like this will be the first time she's been kidnapped it is however the first time it'll happen in this way though with her being so far from home now would be the perfect time to do it it was after her first kidnapping that she had put J.A.R.V.I.S. in her watch.... "is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both? with that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line it's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsor technology they say the best weapon is one you never have to fire I respectfully disagree I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once that's how Mr. Stark did it that's how America does it and it's worked out pretty well so far"  Asmodeus tells his "audience" he smirks when he sees Amalthea roll her eyes at him "find an excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves"  Asmodeus says he waves his hand and a soldier launches one of the missiles he's proud to have been a part of creating "for your consideration, the Jericho"  Asmodeus says he raises his arms as the little missiles that came out of the bigger missile explode creating a gust of smoke and fire Amalthea politely golf claps for "her favorite showman" and he chuckles then walks over to her and hugs her shoulder.... Amalthea spent a few minutes getting to know the soldiers she'll be riding with taking pictures and chatting with them Asmodeus rode with his buddy Rhodes knowing his female friend would be in good hands with the soldiers that were assigned to her not to mention thanks to Edwin Jarvis and Doctor Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter, Ph.D. who was one of the most prominent agents of the Strategic Scientific Reserve she's well trained in all sorts of self defense though no one but him knew that.... well it finally happened Obadiah used the fact that Amalthea went to Afghanistan with his son to try and kill her though she barely remembers half of what happened she recalls people being shot at and literally blown to bits, being told to stay in the Humvee.... which she didn't listen to.... then seeing one of her fathers company missiles explode in front of her and blood pour from her chest, she remembers hearing J.A.R.V.I.S. say something to her but doesn't recall what as the world became black the next thing she recalls is a odd light and people talking in a language she at the time didn't recognize as she whispers with a soft fearful tone "J.A.R.V.I.S. help me I'm scared!"  as a matter of fact everytime she woke up she called out for him though this time she never received a reply which was unlike him he always replied when she said his name.... "don't you touch me!"  Amalthea growls through her teeth as she grips some guys wrist "I'm trying to save you"  the man replies "yeah so they don't kill you before your time is up!.... this is not my first time "playing" hostage! I know they have a camera around here somewhere and I will NOT allow you, them or whoever hired these assholes to see what no one has ever seen before in my life! now if you can find a way to "save me" without exposing me completely I'll let go if not then I'll die here on whatever it is I'm laying on and YOU will be the one with my blood on your hands both literally and figuratively!"  she tells him "who's Jarvis!?! you kept whispering his name so he must be someone important to you"  he asks "a friend and confidant someone I trust wholeheartedly and for a woman like me trust isn't easy to come by so what's your decision!? one I'm losing blood two I'm losing consciousness and three the threat still stands so hurry your skinny ass up and make your decision I'm a Stark we're known to be stubborn!"  she replies he chuckles then masterfully finds a way to help her keep her dignity while saving her life he had to get to the center of her chest which meant her breasts didn't need to be uncovered.... a week later Amalthea wakes up and asks the man close by who was at the moment shaving "so.... will you live?!"  she asks the man chuckles then replies "I hope so!"  she slowly and carefully pulls the long tube out of her nose then looks down at her chest and sees that it's completely bandaged "don't worry I didn't peek and they didn't see either nor did I fondle you in any way.... a sports bra was a smart idea it made it a little easier"  he tells her "they're the only kind I wear when I absolutely HAVE to wear one any other time they live completely free under my shirts"  she tells him he chuckles "well I have a feeling you know who I am but I have no idea who you are so unfortunately for me at this very moment you have an advantage"  she says as she slowly sits up "my name is Doctor Ho Yinsen"  he replies "that wasn't very nice of your parents"  she says he chuckles "have you seen my watch?! it was given to me by a friend and I'd hate to lose it"  she says he walks over and hands her her watch which was broken and she carefully slides it into her pocket with sad eyes "is it possible to get some water?!"  she asks "sure though it might not be very clean"  he replies with a smile she nods and he walks away to go get her some water "so what's with the battery powered outlet in my chest!?!"  she asks as she move the bandages on her chest enough to see the circular thing that now resides there he laughs then says as he walks over to her with a small cup of water "you're taking this all quite well!"  she replies "yes well as I said this isn't the first time I've been kidnapped it's the first time it's happened so extensively but.... I suppose you could say I've grown accustomed to it"  he frowns as he hands her the cup "hey it isn't MY fault you MEN believe that women are the weaker sex!"  she tells him he chuckles "and as a Stark I suppose it comes with the "territory".."  she adds his eyes become sad "so.... what is this?!"  she asks changing the subject "it's a electromagnet, hooked up to a car battery, I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left, and it's headed into your atrial septum and that is what's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart"  he replies grateful for the change of subject  "I've seen many wounds like that in my village we call them the walking dead because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs"  he adds "lovely!"  she mutters softly he chuckles "where are we?!"  she asks then they hear a noise and a mans voice speak in a different language "nevermind"  she whispers he chuckles and watches as she stands up then he asks "you really are used to this aren't you!?!"  she nods then six men walk into the room Yinsen raises his hands but she keeps hers at her side "well looks like Diah's been busy stealing from "his own" company!"  she whispers through her teeth Yinsen looks at her oddly "hands up!"  the man in the middle orders in Arabic "make me!"  Amalthea replies through her teeth in Arabic the man grins darkly at her he raises his fist to hit her but she hits him first with the heel of her hand in the center of his chest he coughs roughly from the impact his buddies point their guns at her "you think I fear insignificant little ants like you!?! you have a lot to learn about me!"  she tells them in Arabic "so.... where's the "real" boss!?!"  she asks the man in the middle who went from smirking to looking surprised "fine not going to tell me! then what does HE want!?!"  she asks in Arabic "for you to build a missile the Jericho missile that you demonstrated"  the man in the middle replies in Arabic "well then you kidnapped the wrong person I don't build weapons I have people who do that for me!"  she says in Arabic the man walks towards her she narrows her eyes and he takes a step back for he heard his rib cage crack from when she hit him who knows what will happen if she hit him again "you think I'm lying!?! I don't run THAT part of my fathers company I'm a healer not a killer!"  she tells the man in Arabic "Obadiah Stane runs that half of the company my father specifically split the company that way because he knew I would never have anything to do with that side of the company as a matter of fact I told him so when I was 16 years old! I even told him he should shut that part down because shit like this would happen if he didn't! so I suppose I should thank you for proving me right and I can't WAIT till I get home so I can make the ASSHOLE who allowed this to happen right under his nose pay for all the trouble he's caused me my whole fuckin life!"  she says in Arabic "I'll kill him"  the man replies in Arabic "you'll kill him anyway sooner or later he "knows too much" and has seen your ugly faces one too many times no one lives after that!"  she says in Arabic the man raises an eyebrow at her "I read a lot of books!"  she tells him in Arabic Yinsen chuckles the man and his followers leave then come back and try again later....

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