⚠Some Assembly Required⚠🔧🔨🔩⚙

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"I see you've been remodeling.... couldn't you do this at your place with F.R.I.D.A.Y.!?!"  Amalthea asks Asmodeus when she walks into her home and sees him carrying large heavy pipes one by one he chuckles softly then replies "I figured you'd want J.A.R.V.I.S. to help and since he no longer lives in my shades.... good idea by the way!"  she chuckles "whatcha workin on!?!"  she asks "it's an experiment"  he replies "I can see that!.... you do know I'm expecting company right!?!"  she replies he looks at her with a tilt of his head "well I'm guessing you found Fury's "gift" for me which brought on this sudden flash of "brilliance" in you which means Coulson should be arriving soon and unlike you I like to keep a clean house.... it's the female in me!"  she tells him he smiles "well since you've started I'll let you finish me and Dum-E are going to supervise!"  she says as she walks over to her desk and sits in the chair "hey!"  he says "you made the mess by yourself you can clean it up by yourself!"  she says with a shrug he chuckles then gets back to work.... a few minutes later just as Amalthea predicted Coulson walks into the house.... J.A.R.V.I.S. let him in this time.... "hey Phil over here Dum-E and I made coffee"  Amalthea says waving the agent over Coulson smiles then walks over to her "I see you got our gift"  he says "I didn't he did I was on my "honeymoon".."  she replies waving her hands at her friend who was still working on whatever he was working on he (Coulson) raises a eyebrow at her "you leaving us!?"  she asks "how do you always know these things!?!"  he asks "if it belonged to my father in any sort of way I pay attention to it with him gone it's part of my job to make sure things he considered his "baby"s run as smoothly as possible I trust that Fury tries but even he can only do so much and since it was my father who cofounded and not me all I can really do is watch I have no power of any kind in S.H.I.E.L.D and truth be told I don't want any! but that doesn't mean I don't pay more attention to it than most after all I'm not even supposed to know it exists and yet I do I've known since I was a kid"  she replies his eyes widen "oh my father didn't tell me neither did Uncle Edwin but when it comes to computers I'm practically a genius and there's not much you can hide from me I'm female remember?! we like to snoop!"  she says he chuckles "and gossip but I skip that part!"  she adds he laughs "oh Ero here you might need this"  she says as she tosses something that looks like a half built Captian America shield Asmodeus catches it then says with a playfully excited tone "yes! that's just what I needed!"  she chuckles then says "D go help him and be careful"  Dum- E rolls over to him and lifts up the coil gently when he gets told too "see what happens when you're actually nice to him!"  she teases her best friend with a smile "nope!"  he replies with a pop she chuckles Dum-E lowers the mechanical arm/head then lifts it up when he hears his "momma" chuckle "oh here and good luck on your venture"  Amalthea says to Coulson as she hands him a small wrapped box "I missed your birthday it isn't much just a tie pin since I always see you with a tie but no pin"  she says when she sees the surprised look on his face he smiles then opens it and sees a pin that has the Captain America shield and her Arc Reactor together "I heard you were a fan of his and so was my father so I mixed them together funny thing is a Stark created both those things which I suppose makes it extra special"  she says when she sees him smile as he looks down at his gift he chuckles with a nod then says softly "thank you!"  she nods with a smile then says "see you when you get back"  he smiles and nods then leaves.... Amalthea walks out of the room when Asmodeus moves a laser through it  "initializing prismatic accelerator, approaching maximum power"  J.A.R.V.I.S. says as Asmodeus works on moving the laser till it reaches it's final destination then he does his best to hold it steady till he knew what he was creating was ready and he turns the laser off "is it safe!?! does Dum-E have to get the fire extinguisher!?!"  Amalthea asks with a playful tone as she peeks her head into the room "yes it is and no he doesn't"  Asmodeus replies "I can't believe J.A.R.V.I.S. let you do this!"  she says as she walks into the room and looks around "you ARE cleaning all this up!"  she adds Asmodeus nods with a smile then says "you let this happen too you know?!"  she replies "yes well you had already started by the time I got home and J.A.R.V.I.S. is literally everywhere at once he could have stopped you before you began!"  he chuckles "so.... what'd you make me!?!"  she asks "how'd you know it's for you?!"  he asks "well you destroyed my home to make it so it BETTER be for me!"  she replies he laughs then takes a pair of pliers and picks up the tiny triangle/heart he created as J.A.R.V.I.S. says "congratulations sir you have created a new element"  Asmodeus puts it inside the new Arc Reactor he's made and J.A.R.V.I.S. says "the reactor has accepted the modified core I will begin running diagnostics"  Amalthea sees a heart shaped Arc Reactor Asmodeus made as a joke sitting next to the actual new one and she says "oh you've got to be kidding me!"  Asmodeus chuckles then says with a smile "I could use that one instead"  she replies "I'm surprised you didn't!"  he chuckles then says "maybe I will after J.A.R.V.I.S. finishes running diagnostics"  she replies "knowing you you probably would!"  he chuckles then hugs her shoulder pulling her towards him and she lays into his embrace with a smile.... while Amalthea was taking a bath she got a call from a blocked number that Asmodeus who was waiting for the diagnostic to finish took and he found out that it was Ivan Amalthea walks into the room wrapped in a towel and drying her hair with another one as Ivan says "you told me double cycle's more power good advice"  Asmodeus who raises his eyebrow at the sight of Amalthea in nothing but a towel replies "you sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy"  Ivan says "you tell that sexy woman that I know is in the room with you the true history of Stark name will be written what her father did to my family over 40 years, I will do to her in 40 minutes"  Amalthea says in Russian  "how can that be true when you don't even know what he did?!"  Ivan chuckles then replies with a smile in his tone "you are smarter than Hammer!"  she says "well that's a no brainer!"  Asmodeus chuckles "those people are my responsibility if you hurt them so help me Vanko!"  she threatens "this is between you and me"  he replies "it better be!"  she says "you have my word"  he tells her "I suppose I will see what that means tonight when Hammer presents the suits "he" made for the military"  she replies Ivan chuckles and Asmodeus stares at her with a surprised expression on his face "well that's a no brainer as well he's the only weapons developer left that has people who are half as good as you are when it comes to making them"  she tells her best friend who smiles "and now it seems he "hired" someone who's better than all of them combined.... but still not as good as you!"  she adds his smile grows "you got those tests done yet J.A.R.V.I.S.?!"  she asks "not yet"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies "well can you hurry up Hammer goes on in a few hours and I need a new suit!"  she says "I shall try my best"  he replies "alright well I'm going to go get dressed and I need both done by the time I'm finished cause finished or not J that's going in after I get some clothes on!"  she says pointing to the new Arc Reactor then she leaves the room.... 

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