Avengers Assemble👩🏻‍🏭👨🏻‍🏭

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"The scepter! that must be how he's doing it!"  Amalthea whispers to herself "doing what!?!"  J.A.R.V.I.S. asks "the cube within the scepter has been admitting some kind of soundwave or something that we can't hear but I bet the Hulk can kind of like a dog whistle I mean that explains why it seems to have a ocean in the middle of it.... the blue light it's been flowing like waves.... I'm not sure I can explain it properly but it may be slowly driving him.... well I'm not sure what he calls it when they switch I mean he's been the one working on it the most since they got it he's been watching those waves probably unaware of their affect on him"  she replies "I should have had you take a look at it!"  she whispers and she rushes to the room Bruce and everyone else is in and grabs the scepter everyone looks at her as they watch her take the scepter in her hands she walks over to Thor and asks "does it normally do this?!"  Thor looks at her confused and asks "do what!?!"  she points to the blue cube in the center which has lines like fast moving clouds flowing through it and asks "move like that or is it normally still?!"  he looks even more confused "Bruce has been staring at this ever since it was taken from your brother do you have any idea what this could do to the Hulk!?!"  she asks "he seems fine"  he replies "he is NOT fine! LOOK at him he's hiding his anger that isn't his anger trying to control the rage that lives inside him and YOU put him inside a small flying submarine!"  she says pointing at Fury Steve chuckles thinking back to what he thought the ship-looking Helicarrier was as she continues "putting the lives of innocent people in danger because you THINK you know better than everyone else! that you're smarter and more clever than you actually are!"  Fury smiles "this is not a smiling matter did you not here anyt....!?! oh I see you listen to the personal stuff but not the important stuff!"  she says "he's going to use the tower!"  she tells Asmodeus who's eyes widen at her words "he's also hoping that we'd separate before we come together as a team to stop him I wouldn't be surprised if his team of brainwashed minions are on their way to cause their own chaos for such "brilliant" people you're all so stupidly simple!"  she adds just then the computer beeps and Bruce walks past Amalthea over to it and as he looks at the screen the room underneath the one they were in explodes and everyone is flown along the room Amalthea rushes out of the room to where she ALLOWED the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. to put the Iron Man suit Steve and Asmodeus follow her once Amalthea and Steve were suited up the three of them head towards the broken engine to see if they can fix it well Amalthea, J.A.R.V.I.S. and Asmodeus fix it Steve is backup just in case there's trouble and after fixing the engine Amalthea heads to the Stark Tower "if we're going to test it we might as well do it before the war comes"  she tells J.A.R.V.I.S. and as she was flying she heard of Coulson's passing through her com system which brought sadness to her heart "we gotta stop losing good people J.A.R.V.I.S.!"  she says softly "I know"  he replies softly when she got home she switched from the Iron Man suit she was wearing to the newest one one that has yet to be tested "she left me!"  she hears Asmodeus say through her com she chuckles softly then says back "I went to the tower I figured someone should be here when he gets here and J.A.R.V.I.S. wants to test drive the new suit"  she hears him say "I'm guessing you heard about Phil"  she replies with a playful tone "oh so he's Phil now is he!?!"  he chuckles "I'm wondering how the world will take having two Iron Mans at the same time after all we're going to need all the help we can get and we make them all look slightly similar that people might not even realize there's two and the one I just took off still works so when you get here come put it on"  she says "yes!"  he replies with a playfully excited tone she chuckles then after a short pause she says "oh and Selvig's here"  he replies "whelp gotta go!"  she chuckles when she hears the soft pop of the com turning off and she tells J.A.R.V.I.S.  "we don't have much time they're on their way"  J.A.R.V.I.S.' holo turns on and he walks over to her then kisses her lips she smiles then puts the helmet of her suit on then flies over to where Selvig is and says with Iron Man's voice "shut it down, Dr. Selvig"  Selvig looks up at her and says "it's too late! she can't stop now she wants to to show us something! a new universe"  Amalthea says to J.A.R.V.I.S. "we have to find a way to shut that down.... I think I have an idea how to "knock some sense into him" I just hope I don't kill him!"  she aims the repulsor beam at the machine Selvig put together and sends a short blast that hits it's barrier which the Tesseract deflects thinking it was in danger and it sends a wave of energy towards Selvig who gets hit by it Amalthea waits to see if Selvig wakes up and when he does she flies away ignoring Loki who now stands on the Tower's balcony.... "Steve they're here!"  Steve hears Amalthea say into his com "we're on our way!"  he replies "you're really going to make me fight these things all by myself!?!"  she teases he chuckles then replies "we'll be there soon do your best to hold them off"  she says "I've fought singular beings and droids never aliens not to mention it's a new suit and they're coming at me like the Orcs in Lord of the Rings!"  he tilts his head with a confused expression on his face then hears Clint chuckle then ask "who's that!?!"  Steve replies "Amalthea Stark and she's now fighting the Chitauri by herself"  Clint's eyes widen and he does his best to make the Quinjet he's piloting go faster.... instead of fighting this war Asmodeus commandeers a Quinjet of his own and heads home to his girlfriend he WANTED to fight but knew he shouldn't after all he was never invited to be a member of the Avengers he just went with Amalthea for support and just in case she needed his help with anything and now he was worried about the love of his life and wanted to keep her safe so he decided not to take his best friend up on her offer and instead went to see the other person he cares about ever so dearly.... "payback time Cap!"  Steve hears Amalthea say into his com he becomes confused then sees one of the giant armored Leviathan's come towards him, Thor, Bruce, Natasha and Clint with Amalthea flying in front of it in her Iron Man suit and he chuckles softly then says "doctor Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry"  Bruce replies "that's my secret, Captain I'm always angry"  Amalthea says through the com as Bruce and Hulk switch places "that makes no sense but if it works for you then I suppose it's what you've got to do"  Hulk huffs in a way that sounds like a chuckle or a sneeze or perhaps both then punches the Leviathan's face and it's body slides then flips over the Avengers that are on the road Amalthea sends a missile towards a now exposed part of the worm-like beast the missile explodes and the Leviathan slides down onto the road below "ok I think I pissed them off!"  she says softly when she sees the Chitauri pull off their mask/helmet and growl Steve chuckles and she lowers her body so that she now stands with the rest of them as they all look around Hulk roars at the Chitauri as though he was answering their angered cry and trying to intimidate them he looks over at Amalthea who stands inbetween him and Steve she nods at him and says "Hulk"  he smirks at her "alright Cap what's the plan?!"  Amalthea asks Steve looks at her "I held them off you're in charge now I HATE being in charge!"  she tells him he chuckles "and we don't have much time as I said their angry and who knows what they'll do to make us pay"  she says he nods then looks up as more come through the portal "I know one thing we have to close that!"  she says pointing at the portal "I just hope Selvig was smart enough to come up with a way to do it"  she adds softly "he is!"  Thor replies "he's also not himself at the moment though I did blast the device he built and it protected itself by sending a wave of energy out which hit him.... but didn't kill him it sent him flying into the a part of the roof and he was knocked unconscious so he could be awake and "sober" by now"  she says and his worry turns to relief "I made sure he was ok before leaving to fight"  she tells him he nods "alright, listen up until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything call out patterns and strays Stark, you got the perimeter anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash"  Steve says Clint looks at Iron Man and asks "can you give me a lift?"  Amalthea replies "as long as you're not afraid of heights"  he smiles at her she wraps her arm around his waist and flies up into the air with him at her side she safely drops him off at a roof nearby then flies away with one last worried glance at the man she doesn't even know....

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