Saving The Timeless Visionary Only To Watch Them Turn To Ash

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While Steve and Amalthea were fighting the bigger alien Peter jumps in in his Spiderman suit "he just had to "help" create a hero!?!"  Amalthea mutters softly with a whispered tone Steve chuckles "what is this guy's problem, Miss Stark?"  Peter as...

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While Steve and Amalthea were fighting the bigger alien Peter jumps in in his Spiderman suit "he just had to "help" create a hero!?!"  Amalthea mutters softly with a whispered tone Steve chuckles "what is this guy's problem, Miss Stark?"  Peter asks as he gets thrown around by the big guy "not yours!"  she replies "I want to help!"  he says "I know but he's not your problem so head back to your field trip and protect those who are!"  she replies he sulks while muttering incoherently to himself she rolls her eyes then sees Strange fly past her and she flies after him leaving Steve and Peter to deal with the big guy that is until Wong runs over and creates a portal inbetween Steve and the alien who was running towards him and the alien ends up falling through it before he had a chance to stop and Wong closes the portal before he could jump back through it and continue the fight the skinny alien follows Strange and Amalthea and uses his abilities to pull Strange's cloak off his back Amalthea catches Strange as his body goes flying "that was stupid!"  Strange says softly "it was either me or the kid in the red and blue spider suit!"  she replies he looks at her oddly "should we go after your cloak?!"  she asks he smirks then says "he'll be fine you should head back to your Captian!"  she smiles and replies "he'll be fine hopefully he's smart enough make a team and go help Vision!"  a beam of white-blue light appears around them and takes them up to a ship "I thought this only happens in movies!"  she says he chuckles once they were on the ship Amalthea lets go of Strange then hides for she had a feeling the skinny alien didn't realize or perhaps didn't care that the ship took two people instead of one Strange smiles grateful she would be put out of harms way for the time being.... Steve focuses on saving Vision for he knew that was what Amalthea would want not only that but it was the right thing to do and though he focused on their friends he couldn't help but wonder if the woman he loves was coming back this was the second woman he lost without having a choice and it was pissing him off and yet he hoped he'd gain this one back in a shorter time than he gained the other one back for with Peggy he was too late he held onto the hope that he wasn't going to be too late with Amalthea both Vision and Wanda expressed their worry for their missing friend for they saw a news report about the mess in New York City and the fact that Amalthea went missing on the plus side Steve is going to have a lot of things to take his anger out on very soon for the two he just faced were not enough.... when Steve and what was left of the Avengers reach Wakanda both T'Challa and Bucky expressed their worry for Amalthea as well but they focused on the war that was coming and finding a way to remove the Mind Stone from Vision's forehead without killing him.... Amalthea watches Strange as he lays suspended in space with long crystal like needles surrounding his body being tortured by the skinny alien named Ebony Maw "in all the time I've served Thanos, I've never failed him if I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan.... with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person.... there would be judgement give me.... the stone"  Maw says to Strange who grunts softly as one of the needles moves towards then into his cheek the Eye of Agamotto glows gold as it opens the The Cloak of Levitation flies over to where Amalthea stands she turns, looks at it and whispers "I'm glad to see you're ok"  the Cloak hugs her "now to figure out how to help our friend!"  she whispers as the Cloak lets her go and they look down as Strange lets out a scream "painful aren't they? they were originally designed for microsurgery and any one of them...."  Maw says he turns and sees Amalthea in her Iron Man suit standing behind him and says  "...could end your friend's life in an instant"  Amalthea replies "yeah well.... you first!"  then she sends two repulsor blasts his way one creates a hole in the wall of the ship the other hits Maw directly in the chest making him fly into his own needles then through the hole in the wall of the ship that she made the Cloak of Levitation flies over and catches Strange before he joins Maw in the hole and Amalthea flies over to the hole and freezes it shut with the Zero Cannons that are a part of her Iron Man suit which shoots a nanite spray that sprays a cryogenic liquid that is normally used to close apertures or quickly seal wounds once the hole was closed she flies over to Strange and says "sorry about that but if I warned you he'd figure out a way to deflect it"  Strange chuckles then follows her as she heads towards the cockpit "it seems to have a mind of it's own but if I can figure out how to turn off what I hope is just a autopilot I might be able to figure out how to fly us home if not we're stuck till it makes it's final destination"  she says as she looks around "you just want to get back to your Captain!"  he teases "I finally get to live a somewhat normal life so of course I want to get back to him! and you want to protect the Time Stone though it's possible this is one of those events you can't change no matter how much you want to so unless you can come up with someway to find out which is which we might not have a choice but to let him have it"  she replies he looks at her sadly "well oh mighty and brilliant doctor got any ideas!?!"  she asks with a sarcastic tone and his sadness deepens "didn't think so!.... oh and we're even by the way you saved mine I saved yours so don't expect it to happen again!"  she says he smiles.... once Strange and Amalthea reach Titan Amalthea says "time to test your piloting skills doctor I believe this thing was meant for the muscle and I can't exactly reach both controls so we have to work together to land the flying donut the best we can"  Strange smiles then walks over to the machine next to her and copies her motions as she places her hand in the one that is in front of her "we gotta move at the same time"  she says he nods they work together to land the ship and surprisingly do a pretty good job even if it did land on it's side at least it they didn't hit anything....

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