Where Do My Demons Hide?!😈 In Plain Sight👁

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"Couldn't have brought the jet!?! I really need a shower! I smell like I've lived in a cave with a bunch of sweaty men for a year!"   Amalthea says to Asmodeus who laughs then looks at her with a serious expression on his face "shockingly it wasn'...

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"Couldn't have brought the jet!?! I really need a shower! I smell like I've lived in a cave with a bunch of sweaty men for a year!"  Amalthea says to Asmodeus who laughs then looks at her with a serious expression on his face "shockingly it wasn't like that they wanted me to build them a Jericho"  she tells him "who's that!?! and why did you have to bring him!?!"  he asks "that is the man who saved my life J.A.R.V.I.S. knows where to take him and I'm paying for his burial!"  she tells him he nods "he's been very hot and cold today"  she says at first he looks at her funny then realizes she was talking about J.A.R.V.I.S. especially after she says "what's odd is that it never happened before.... how many days ago was it?!"  he replies "three months"  she teases "so it has been a year!"  he laughs "I couldn't just leave him not after all he's done for me!"  she says softly looking at Yinsen's body that was laying at her feet Asmodeus hugs her "you're very brave!"  she teases he chuckles "no I mean I REALLY stink it's so unlike a woman not to bathe every day!"  she says he laughs "I want to go home!.... I don't want a spectacle made out of my return and have Ginny assemble a press conference"  she says softly he nods then calls up Pepper to give her her orders Amalthea turns J.A.R.V.I.S. off then tells Asmodeus in a low voice so that the soldiers that came with him don't hear her "the heat is new at least the watch getting THAT hot is new it used to get warm every now and again but I always thought it was just my body heat making it warm and it pulsates which may actually be J.A.R.V.I.S.' heartbeat but I just thought I was somehow so sensitive that I felt the second hand tick I put him in the watch you gave me you know?! I usually don't wear watches and I could have just made one of my own to put him in but I didn't see the sense in it.... I'm going to keep it but I think I'm going to move J.A.R.V.I.S. into something else something that like the watch I know I'll never take off maybe a ring this time or contacts but that might be weird.... I'm actually curious if his programing somehow messed with the mechanisms that make up the watch I mean I didn't make him with emotions I made it so he UNDERSTOOD them but didn't HAVE them then again I also made it so he can evolve and grow so maybe he "allowed" himself to have them I MADE him and yet there's still so much I have to learn about him"  Asmodeus looks at her and says with a somewhat surprised tone "you turned him off!"  she replies "look at it Ero! we'll just tell him it malfunctioned after all I had to fix it myself so it's possible!"  he chuckles then watches as she turns J.A.R.V.I.S. back on and he realizes that she didn't want what she had to say to hurt J.A.R.V.I.S. and that thought makes him smile.... Asmodeus has the pilot land in her backyard instead of the airport "luckily I have a huge yard!"  she teases once they land everyone on the chopper laughs Asmodeus carries Amalthea off the chopper in into her home "don't you get jealous now J.A.R.V.I.S!"  she teases as her best friend picks her up Asmodeus chuckles softly then carries his best friend bridal style into her home, lays her on her couch then goes to start a bath for her after her bath, getting dressed and eating the small meal Dum-E had made for her Asmodeus drives Amalthea to the press conference Pepper set up in one of her own cars.... "you should have went to a hospital!"  Pepper says to Amalthea once she sees her "I don't need a hospital I've got J.A.R.V.I.S.! but if it'll put your mind at ease I'll go after the conference"  Amalthea replies Pepper nods with a smile then the two women and Asmodeus walk into the building the press conference will be held "you can follow us to the hospital Miss Potts is forcing me to go to after the conference"  Amalthea tells a man in a suit who looked like he wanted to gain her attention as they walk Pepper looks at her then the man who nods at her boss/friend oddly "he's harmless and just about to become almost as annoying as these reporters I'm about to face! in other words he wants to speak to me about things too.... I guess I really am popular everyday of the year!"  Amalthea tells Pepper who nods with a smile "this way people!"  Amalthea calls out Asmodeus chuckles as the reporters who were waiting for her with Obadiah at the front door turn at the sound of her voice then rush over to her "first we sit then you can ask questions"  she says softly once they reach her Asmodeus smiles when he sees the unhappy look on his fathers face he knew his friend was smart after all it was her idea to walk through the back door she even had J.A.R.V.I.S. contact Pepper to make sure she met them there once they all reach the room the press conference was in Amalthea sits in front of the podium and the reporters sit on the floor in front of her "I never got along with my father.... don't get me wrong I love the man I love BOTH my parents!.... as much as a child could love their parents even at my age but I didn't get along with them I was.... ok with his company but I never wanted anything to do with the weapons division part of it and the nightmare I just went through was one of the main reasons I hated it so much!"  Amalthea says and as she speaks her next words the pictures she took with the soldiers who were at the weapons display Asmodeus asked her to accompany him at show up on a large white projection screen behind her "I witnessed innocent American soldiers men and woman who were only meant to escort me to their base in Afghanistan after a meeting my friend Asmodeus, his friend Lt Col Rhodes and I were at be killed by the very weapons my fathers company built to defend and protect them it was a innocent enough trip where the only thing that was supposed to get hurt was some dirt by the mountain as Asmo demonstrated his latest "baby" to their bosses"  the audience chuckles as she continues "they each had a family wives, husbands, children who are now forced to live without them because some heartless bastard thought it would be ok to not only buy but use Asmo's "baby's" to I suppose you could say "teach me a lesson I'll never forget"! and because of that very reason, henceforth, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International"  she stands up looks at Obadiah and says with a overly calm stern tone that tells everyone she means business "oh and by the way with the accordance of my fathers Will as "testimony".... which I made sure the reporters have a copy of but don't you worry your big ugly head I made sure the parts that have nothing to do with what I'm about to say have been blacked out.... you Obadiah Stane are fired effective immediately! and don't worry your office has already been cleared out and your codes to get into ANY of my father's buildings or control any bit of his works have also been terminated as of this moment forth you will no longer be allowed in or to buy anything that is owned and or made by Stark Industries, your powers over me and my fathers company have been revoked and anyone who knows me knows that these are not idle threats but truths Marius please remove the Stane from my carpet!"  a big burly dark skinned man storms over and removes a shocked looking Obadiah Stane from the room and Obadiah tries his best to get out of the big mans light grip she sits back down then says to the reporters who were buzzing "any questions?! you have till I fall asleep to ask them and hurry up about it I'm supposed to be in the hospital!"  there was a light chuckling that flowed through the room like a gentle wave crashing onto the sand of a beach then the reporters start bombarding her with questions "I had to ask!"  she mutters softly her watch heats up lightly as though to let her know that J.A.R.V.I.S. was smiling.... it was getting slightly easy to "read" his emotions by how warm and/or cold the watch got.... Asmodeus who was sitting next to her chuckles "are you ok with all that?!"  she asks her friend softly he nods with a smile she turns her attention to the reporters and answers the questions she caught within the buzzing room "until such a time that I can find someone I trust wholeheartedly that not only wants to but can help me run my fathers company to the best of my ability I am going to take full responsibility for it after all a lot is about to change there and change is hard there will be quite a bit of firing and hiring within the next few months many who followed Obadiah's ruling without pause or question quite possibly will no longer want to work there but with the help of my friends which include his very own son the man who sits next to me and.... I hate to do this to you but.... my assistant Pepper Potts who I call Ginny so try not to get it confused and a unseen friend of mine that I hold very dear to my heart named Jarvis I think I will succeed after all anyone who knows anything about my family will know that we'd never survive without our Jarvis'.."  Amalthea says to the reporters who along with Asmodeus chuckle "if that's all I think it's time for my nap in a hospital bed I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day"  she says the reporters chuckle then watch as Asmodeus helps her stand up and walk out of the room with Pepper and the man in a suit not too far behind....

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