You Fall So You Can Rise Again

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"Vision I want you to take a vacation!"  Amalthea tells Vision who was visiting Dierdre and Peter Vision looks at her curiously "you spent your first year of life in a cage of your own it's time for you to spread your wings and fly! take the phoenix with you so she can rise from the ashes of her past maybe you can help each other heal from wounds unseen and fear of being who you are meant to be!"  Amalthea tells him Wanda who was standing next to her smiles "go see the world Vision! allow it to see you as we see you and not as you see yourself or worse!"  Amalthea says as she looks into her friends eyes "if you want to, I'm not going to force you but with what happened with the Accords and.... other things I have a feeling the Avengers is going to disband so there's really no reason for you to stay caged and with the way Thaddeus is I just think....!"  she says after a small pause she stops when Vision walks over to her and hugs her gently then kisses the top of her head he takes Wanda's hand and they leave.... Zemo was quite upset his plan didn't work out as HE planned it he expected to see Stark there and have her get mad and attack Barnes after he showed her the video of her parents death not a pissed off king of Wakanda "don't kill him it might be what he wants after all wouldn't you want to join your family after losing them?! make your father proud Challa!"  T'Challa hears Amalthea say into his com he smiles "I saw that video hell I OWN that video! I have everything of my parents on record I went through the anger and crying phase when I first saw it and it may surprise you to know Buckster you weren't the one I was pissed off at your "bosses" were! I knew what sort of dangers my fathers creations and research brought, the enemies he made I knew everything about him and he knew nothing about me! imagine the child knowing more about the parent than the parent does about the child who knows maybe I was more pissed off at him than HYDRA!"  Steve and Bucky hear Amalthea say through the com as they watch Bucky kill her parents "honestly I think you were a little too "kind" in the way you killed them I kind of expected more broken bones and blood!"  she adds they hide a chuckle "though in a way I'm kind of grateful for that to so thank you!"  she says softly Bucky hides a smile and whispers "you're welcome!"  she says "you made a mistake though you used your "human" hand which has fingerprints and you're supposed to be dead!"   he chuckles softly with a half smile.... when Steve enters Amalthea's home his eyes widen at the beauty who was just starting to head down the stairs in a dress "where are you headed!?!"  he asks "T'Chaka's funeral"  Amalthea replies his eyes become sad "you're welcome to come as a matter of fact I asked all the Avengers to be there even the new ones I don't know somehow it seemed appropriate this way we could make a formal apology and say goodbye to someone only one of us actually knew.... well two if we're counting T'Challa as a Avenger now!"  she says he smiles then says "I'd love to!"  she replies "I've got a suit.... not a Captian America one ready and waiting for you I almost dug out your old uniform but I wasn't sure you'd....!"  he laughs she waves her hand up stairs and he follows her to one of her spare bedrooms were his old army uniform and a tuxedo wait for him "where did you get this!?!"  he asks with a surprised tone when he sees his old army uniform "aunt Peggy had it some how it got mixed up and sent to me even though I wasn't in her Will"  she replies he looks at her sadly "I rarely saw her yes she trained me in self defense when I asked her to but I was a fast learner so it didn't take her long to teach me all she knew.... well all except weaponry I wanted nothing to do with that!"  she tells him "honestly I think I was supposed to get your shield since my father made it"  she says he chuckles "well I'll let you shower and change we've got a hour before we've got to be there"  she says then she walks out of the room closing the door behind her he smiles then walks into the attached bathroom of the bedroom he was in then takes a shower, dries off then heads back into the bedroom and smiles at his old uniform then puts it on he hears a knock on the door and opens it "is that the one you've decided to wear?!"  Amalthea asks he chuckles then replies "I could change if....!"  he stops he was going to say "if you want me to" but knowing the type of woman that she is he knew she wouldn't care either way so he just nods with a smile and they leave her home, head to her company's private jet which flew every Avenger new and old.... except T'Challa who was already there and Bruce who was still missing and Thor who wasn't on Earth.... to Wakanda for the funeral.... "thank you for taking a break from the vacation you have yet to start to come Vision, Wanda especially since you didn't have to!"  Amalthea says softly "it's our honor"  Vision replies as he hugs her shoulder she smiles then the Avengers walk over to T'Challa who to many of their surprise welcomed them as he gave Amalthea a hug the Avengers learned quite a bit about Wakanda and it's people that day mostly about how they treat a body after it had passed on to the next life the Avengers stayed for the funeral then left on the Stark private plane to wherever they desired Amalthea, Steve and Bucky stayed Amalthea because she was friends with T'Chaka's family and wished to visit Steve and Bucky because T'Challa wanted to speak to them.... a few days later Steve asked Amalthea out on a official date where he made the plans, paid for the meal and picked her up she was there for Steve when Bucky went "under the ice" once more this time to help heal more than harm under the watchful eyes of T'Challa and his sister Shuri "I'm surprised Amalthea isn't helping you with this"  Bucky says to T'Challa who replies "she knows enough about our technology that she could but I know she'll refuse after all we've offered a few things of ours to help her out with hers"  Amalthea says "the world isn't ready for you or your technology Challa and I didn't want to be the cause of them attempting to steal it and call it their own especially since there are so few who know your home exists not to mention I no longer need what you and yours offered to help me with"  T'Challa chuckles softly Bucky looks at them oddly "I once had a Arc Reactor for a heart now I just have a thing that pumps blood slower than most"  she tells him he chuckles "I attempted to make it warm in there for you but it didn't work!"  she adds he laughs Steve smiles at them.... when the time came for Bucky to be laid in the Cryostasis Chamber Amalthea gave Steve a few minutes alone with his very first and only friend "good choice!"  Bucky tells Steve with a smile Steve smiles in reply and they hear Amalthea call out "that's what J.A.R.V.I.S. said!"  then she whispers to T'Challa who stood at her side "I'm betting neither of them got that reference!"  Steve laughs and T'Challa chuckles Amalthea waves to Bucky who waves back with a smile then he watches as she walks out of the room with T'Challa.... "so I'm J.A.R.V.I.S. approved huh!?!"  Steve asks with a amused tone a few minutes later when he finds Amalthea standing at the edge of the top of a waterfall looking out at the gorgeous view that surrounds her "well you're not British but you'll do!"  she teases he chuckles "yes he did approve of you and Bruce I'm pretty sure he might have approved of Clint but since he has his already made family of his choice and we didn't seem to "click" that way.... he's that fatherly brother I never had and Ero's just annoying!"  she says he chuckles at her ending tease "we've got permission to stay but the world needs you and I have a company to look after so it may be best to head back soon.... maybe a smaller vacation than Vision and Wanda might take no longer than a week....!"  she starts she stops when his lips make themselves at home on hers caressing them ever so softly "so that's what it feels like!"  she says breathlessly he smiles "you have to remember Captian my first real kiss was with a hologram the kiss I "stole" was a ghosted one that was barely felt and only done to piss off the monster who tried to take over my father's company before he died back in 2008"  she tells him "so.... the virgin dating a virgin how's that work exactly!?!"  she asks he chuckles "that's something I want to experience to but.... we're not ready for that!"  she says softly he nods "this is all so new!"  she whispers "tell me about it!"  he replies with a smile "hey you've dated Sharon! I loved a AI who made himself a holobody with "old" technology I THOUGHT I hid.... but then again you could never hide anything from a Jarvis!.... except for the fact that I loved one deeper than I should have!"  she says he looks at her sadly "I was never one to tell anyone what to do with their lives or who they should love why would I force my heart to do the same!?!"  she asks he smiles "I know this may be temporary but I'm willing to....!"  she starts with a soft low tone "no! this won't....!"  he starts "I still love them why would you not still love her!?! and when you find a way to go back to her there is no doubt in my mind that you will!"  she asks his sadness deepens "I'm used to losing more than I have gained Steve this will be nothing new!"  she says he cups her cheek in his hand unable to find words fitting to comfort her "though I love it here I think it's best I head home you can stay....!"  she says "no I'll go home too"  he replies "oh I bought you a place in Brooklyn I actually think it just might be your old one!"  she tells him he smiles "I'm not much of a city gal so I....!"  she adds he chuckles then says with a smile "that's ok I'll borrow your jet and fly over to see you"  she smiles then takes his hand in hers as the sun starts to set and they watch it fall side by side then head back to the city and say goodbye to their friends before heading home....

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