J.A.R.V.I.S.'s New Suit

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"So we're putting J.A.R.V.I.S. in a suit!?!"  Asmodeus says "without the tie!"  Amalthea replies with a smirk he chuckles "I'm hoping once this is all finished I'll only have to do it once as I said I don't want to but I have too it's a Stark's turn to be hero for a day.... with a little help from my friends"  she says he smiles "we'll start tomorrow I'm too tired today or you can start and I'll take a nap the other suit was made with my measurements so at least that part will be simple.... maybe!"  she says he chuckles then kisses her forehead "put it in a private server I don't want anyone but the three of us and perhaps Ginny who finds things out anyway cause she's nosy to know"  she says he chuckles at the fact she teasingly called Pepper nosy then watches her walk away "please help him J.A.R.V.I.S. we need you!"  Amalthea whispers as she opens the door to her lab and walks out of it "anything for you"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies she smiles softly then lets those "special" words slip out as she whispers softly "I love you"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies softly "I love you too"  her smile grows as her heart squeezes in pain this was NOT supposed to happen not again she was not supposed to fall in love with something unattainable what's worse is that that unattainable being seems to feel the same way she does and quite possibly in the same way this time which hurts just as much as it makes her happy "I've been meaning to tell you you have a nice voice.... when you sing.... I mean it's always nice but....!"  she says as she climbs into bed she could have sworn she heard J.A.R.V.I.S. chuckle before he replies "I know what you meant sweet dreams Thea"  he turns off her lights then watches her fall asleep through the cameras in the room.... Asmodeus may have made a mistake when he first met J.A.R.V.I.S. for he told him about the holographic AI of her godfather that she had made before she created him and ever since the emotions he feels started to grow within him.... which even he has no idea how they came to be but truth be told he wouldn't have it any other way.... he's been searching for the holographic program she made and kept he doesn't want to look like her godfather but he believes that if he can find the program he can reprogram it so that he can choose what he looks like and he really wants her to feel as comfortable as possible with him not to mention he hopes the holographic program is like everything else she makes he knows it won't have its own personality but it will have something uniquely special about it and he's curious as to what it is he wonders if he'll have the time to continue to search for it now that he'll be busy keeping her safe as he helps her and her childhood friend create a weapon that will be used to help not harm the world and the people within it he knows she's right it needs to be made he just hates the fact that she was the one who's going to use it.... "how are we doing gentlemen!?"  Amalthea asks when she walks into her lab after her nap "just started on the good stuff!"  Asmodeus replies as he looks over at her his eyebrow raises when he sees her outfit "what!?!"  she asks with a chuckle in her tone "I'm at home and you two have already seen it so I don't have to hide it.... or are you making that face because my outfit matches the "hot rod" you bought me?!"  she says he smiles she rolls her eyes with a smile then walks over to him and starts helping and by helping I mean doing what he tells her to since he's the "weapons master" and knows more about it than she does "you did pretty good"  he says as they work "yeah well they had a lot of your baby's so I had a lot to work with!"  she replies he looks at her sadly "I destroyed what they had but wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to get more from what I hear the black market is a fun way to shop!"  she says he chuckles "so.... are you planning my welcome home bash!?!"  she asks he chuckles then replies with a smirk "of course! I just wanted you to heal as much as possible first"  she nods "are you saying....!?!"  he asks "you'd do it anyway so why not!?"  she replies he smiles "did you sleep....?!"  he asks "not a lot.... not because they treated me harshly which they didn't they pretty much left me and Yinsen alone and watched us work through a camera they had in the corner of the room they put us in.... it would have been smarter to put one in every corner so we couldn't hide if we needed to but I guess after buying all our shit they became poor"  she replies he chuckles "I actually worked on J.A.R.V.I.S. when I couldn't sleep I don't think I did all that well but I didn't have the proper "ingredients" to fix the watch just build a missile"  she adds he smiles "oh and make sure to invite Marius if your uninvited father makes a unscheduled appearance we'll need someone to throw out the trash!"  she says he laughs.... when Asmodeus was at Stark Industries Amalthea was working on the suit and vise versa Asmodeus' father started irritating him by always coming by and trying to get information from him about Stark Industries and how it was doing under Amalthea's rule which was quite well believe it or not she fired all the people who were loyal to Obadiah making sure they never could enter or get any information about the goings on in Stark Industries she tested everyone's loyalty and yet stayed kind and generous to all her employees working with those who had children making sure they all had the best insurance that they never had to pay for that also included their families J.A.R.V.I.S. of course still watched over everything but like Amalthea told Asmodeus every one knew he was there this time around and if they needed Amalthea for anything they asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to relay their needs so that she could come as soon as possible.... "it's lighter than the last one"  Amalthea says when Asmodeus has her try on the boots of the suit Asmodeus smiles then says "alright lets see how they work can you walk?!"  she takes a few steps without much issue "it's like wearing heels I just have to get used to it!"  she says he chuckles they test out the thrusters and J.A.R.V.I.S. creates a net like shield that catches her when the thrusters blast her towards the roof "thank you J.A.R.V.I.S."  she says breathlessly "you're welcome Thea"  J.A.R.V.I.S. replies "might want to tone that down a bit"  she says to Asmodeus who chuckles she smiles and shakes her head then tells J.A.R.V.I.S. with a teasing tone "I think he's blaming me for that one!"  Asmodeus laughs the room becomes warm which tells them that J.A.R.V.I.S. is smiling "he tried it once before"  she says to Asmodeus "tried what!?!"  he asks "calling me Erzi I think he saw me flinch so he tried Thea and when I didn't flinch it kinda stuck"  she tells him he chuckles then asks with a curious tone "you flinched!?!"  she replies "well it's what you and Uncle Edwin call me so.... I guess I thought about Uncle Edwin saying it and reacted"  he nods then helps her take the boots off "some day I'll find a way for it to just move along my body but for now...."  she says with a sigh he raises a eyebrow at her "don't you look at me like that especially in your present kneeling position!"  she says he chuckles she slaps his shoulder and he laughs....

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