🥊Pass The Gauntlet Like It's The Holy Grail🏺

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"Clint here!.... no I don't want the glove just the stones!"  Amalthea says when she sees Clint running with the Iron Man Gauntlet "though if you could keep running with it once it's empty that might confuse him!"  she adds he nods she walks over and gently takes the stone off the Iron Man Gauntlet and they once again make themselves at home on her glove "that is so weird!"  she whispers "what is!?!"  he asks "it's like they think they belong there!"  she tells him "maybe they do!"  he replies "yeah but I can't.... I've got too much to live for now!"  she says he nods understandingly "and it isn't like he.... there's still one more war for him to win!"  she adds he looks at her sadly she shakes her head then flies away T'Challa who heard their conversation takes the now empty Gauntlet from Clint and runs with it he looks down and sees the pieces that had the stones in them glimmer the same color of the stones and he smiles for it was like the glove was playing along with the game of "pass the Gauntlet"/chase.... for the time being anyway though he did start to wonder what would happen if the glimmer stopped shining maybe the war would finally be over he hopes so but he also dreads the outcome for even he doesn't know who will win this war.... when Danvers arrives she destroys Thanos' ship that once was "raining fire" on the battlefield then started shooting at her then after Steve tells her that they needed a assist she heads over to Peter who had the Iron Man Gauntlet and takes over for him as the rally runner with some of the women on the Avengers team helping her out Thanos throws his broken weapon at Lang's van and it explodes "hey, grill face you're aiming at the wrong target!"  Amalthea says catching his attention he turns and looks at her then sees all the Infinity Stones shine on her left glove "give them to me!"  he orders "never!"  she replies he growls then attacks and she flies up above him far enough that he can't reach Thor rushes over and attacks him drawing his attention away from Amalthea Steve comes over to assist and gets thrown off of Thanos' shoulders and just as Thanos goes to punch him Danvers rushes over and attacks Thanos "enough!"  Amalthea bellows and everyone looks up at her "you want me to use these Thanos is that what you want!?!"  Amalthea asks from her spot high in the air as she pinches her forefinger and thumb together ready to snap Steve's eyes shine with horror for if what happened to Bruce happens to her she'd never survive "I'll tell you this much you won't like it for unlike you I'm smart enough to choose my "victims" and I can be very selective!"  she says "you know what I realized!?! I've done this twice now and both times I took the stones not the glove like everyone else tried to do!.... once with only a few and now with all of them and I felt nothing no pain, no surge of power, nothing! I believe they're waiting to see if I would use them I never had a reason to do so before but now I do! and since I know just how big your army is because I believe you were stupid enough to bring all of them with you this time.... or maybe you did that in Wakanda I don't know but.... now I know what I have to do and no matter what happens to me at least I know the world and my life would be safe from your delusional madness! but I am going to make sure you're the last one for you need to see just how foolish your "plan" was there is no such thing as a Utopia! and it isn't just us Earthlings that are stubborn and think we know everything after all you're proof enough of that!"  she adds after a small pause "not that you truly care about any of them! but if there's someone you wish to say goodbye to do it now for you're not going to last much longer"  she says then she snaps her fingers and his army starts to disintegrate to ash "any last words!?! cause I don't do requests!.... Thor might though and this time he'll do it right after all a "warlord" should die a warriors death not a worthless one! right!?!"  she asks "I'll tell you this much I am NOT cleaning this up!"  she says as she looks at Strange who chuckles she looks at Thanos who was just starting to turn to ash and asks "how does it feel to lose once more!?! pretty great right!?!"  once Thanos was gone Amalthea lowers herself back onto the ground and Steve rushes over to her and hugs her "how....!?!"  he asks softly "I'm not sure it was like they went through the suit then back to the glove and never touched a single piece of me"  she replies "oh and Bruce when you and Scott get it up and running you have a promise to keep!"  she says as she takes off the glove that holds the Infinity Stones and hands it to Bruce as soon as he reaches her "unless Vision wants his back!"  she adds everyone chuckles "but first Clint has a family to go see actually I'm sure everyone here has someone they all want to see so I'm sure the Ancient One can wait at least another week maybe a month then again she didn't seem all that patient so maybe not! on the other hand she'll never know how long we took unless we tell her so we just won't tell her!"  she says Strange chuckles with a smile.... a few minutes later everyone disperses walking through a portal Strange and his fellow sorcs made to where they belong to quite possibly shower then rest.... a few weeks later Bruce and Lang have a new Quantum Tunnel up and running out in the woods by Amalthea's house and before Steve leaves Amalthea pulls him off to the side and says softly "I believe I know why they didn't hurt me"  he looks at her oddly she takes a piece of paper out of her pocket and shows it to him as she continues "I had Shuri check but I am going to have a son!"  he looks at her sadly when she doesn't say "we" and asks "do you have any faith in me!?!"  she replies honestly "when it comes to her.... no!"  he nods and his sadness deepens "now go say goodbye to our daughter"  she tells him he walks away from her with his head hung low and over to his daughter who he hugs then kisses on the cheek before walking over and stepping onto the platform of the Quantum Tunnel.... Amalthea was surprised to see Steve return she had figured that even with the life they built together he would still choose Peggy and she had already excepted that fact he walks over to her lays his forehead on hers as he wraps his arm around their daughters shoulder and the hand attached to his other arm on her stomach and whispers "I choose us!.... I owed her a dance but I choose us!"  Amalthea chuckles softly and he kisses her lips then gets down one knee and proposes to her which he had done once before to which she said no this time she said yes which made their daughter very happy "I need to talk to Sam then we can go home!"  he whispers after he kisses her once more she nods he kisses the top of his daughters head then walks over to Sam and moves him away from the others then hands him the Captian America shield claiming he was retiring so he could finally completely focus on his family which was growing Sam fought him a little claiming that he wasn't right for the part but Steve wouldn't back down and Sam reluctantly excepted the shield "you think he's going to add wings to the suit!?!"  Amalthea asks Bucky who chuckles then hugs her shoulder and she leans her head on his....

 I owed her a dance but I choose us!"  Amalthea chuckles softly and he kisses her lips then gets down one knee and proposes to her which he had done once before to which she said no this time she said yes which made their daughter very happy "I ne...

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After the wedding Steve and Amalthea move to a log cabin in the woods by a lake the coordinates of where it is are unknown to even the Avengers Amalthea is seen often but Steve not so much and when he does go out he uses the holoprogram that changes his features that Amalthea had moved into his wedding ring so he didn't have to wear the hat all the time.... when their son was born they named him Jarvis Howard Edwin after the AI and man she loved before him and her father which was Steve's decision and she once again allowed it it wasn't surprising at all that Steve enjoyed retirement maybe even a little too much life was simple and calm and when Iron Man was called into action Steve and Amalthea took turns being the hero for there were times when Steve did miss the shield though they both used the Iron Man voice that was programmed into the helmet and never took the helmet off for they didn't want the world to know who Iron Man really was it especially since it's been a secret from the get go and though there are many who still believe Iron Man is a AI there are plenty with different stories about who he is and now that gods and aliens are well known on Earth there is even speculation that Iron Man is one of them Steve found that he liked the Iron Man suit maybe even more than he liked the shield he liked remaining a mystery even more and finds many of the speculations of who Iron Man is quite amusing but there's nothing he loves more than his wife and children and that is his favorite "job".... though he doesn't consider them a job he considers them a privilege.... is taking care of his family.... Jarvis Howard Edwin was the last child they were capable of having and they were ok with that though after what has happened to Amalthea since right before she became Iron Man it was a surprise she could have children at all

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