I Am Iron Man

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J.A.R.V.I.S. respected the fact that Amalthea didn't want to go further than a kiss all of this was new to him too and the sensations the hologram she made for someone else that he programed to fit his programing were still flowing through him even though he left the hologram once she fell asleep.... a few days later Amalthea goes to Asmodeus' home to visit and bring the award Pepper made for her with her Asmodeus was surprised she wore something that showed off her Arc Reactor "it needed to breathe I've suffocated it long enough!"  she teases he chuckles "oh and as for this even though she made it for me I wanted to give it to you both as a thank you for helping me and J.A.R.V.I.S. with the suit and to remind you of all the "fun" we had doing it!"  she says as she hands him the arc reactor award he chuckles with a smile while she was visiting Obadiah walks into his sons home like he owns the place and his eyes widen in surprise when he see both the old and the new reactors (the award and the one inbetween Amalthea's  breasts) he smirks when she ignores his presence and keeps his distance from her for there's something about that woman that frightens him perhaps it's because she's not nor has she ever been afraid of him in any sort of way and he now knew that she was not someone one could easily mess with while she was at Asmodeus' home Amalthea looks up Obadiah's ghost files by having J.A.R.V.I.S. use his own sons computer to hack into his and sneak a peek at his ghost files Asmodeus stood behind her and looked at all the files she found with angry eyes "don't....! I knew something like this would happen which is why I even attempted the idea of creating the newer suit he may have been my fathers "friend" but I never trusted him! I knew what he truly wanted and that was to steal the company under my family so he can have the power we have and use the weapons we create for his devilish desires which are never good ones he waited patiently thinking I'd be the easier choice to throw off the "throne" but I was born with the Stark stubbornness so I didn't make it easy as a matter of fact I crushed his dreams to dust and now he actually has to WORK for them!"  Amalthea whispers Asmodeus chuckles softly "we'll take care of this together you me and J.A.R.V.I.S."  she says softly he nods with a smile then lowers his head and makes it look like he's kissing her "we need to work on your trust issues J.A.R.V.I.S.!"  Amalthea teases Asmodeus chuckles.... after Amalthea left Asmodeus realizes that the arc reactor award was missing and he becomes pissed for he knew his father was the one who took it he calls up Amalthea and lets her know that his father stole her old arc reactor and the first thing he hears after he tells her the bad news is her ask "did we fix the icing problem?!"  and he chuckles his chuckle turns into a full blown laugh when he realizes his father wouldn't know about it and she could use it to her advantage when she's forced to face him "he have your friend keep the roads and skies clear near your fathers lab.... see if he can have someone fake road work or trucker accident or something you know how much your father likes things big and overdone.... something about the density in the size"  she says his laughter grows.... "alright J.A.R.V.I.S. one last time.... hopefully!"  Amalthea says whispering the word "hopefully" under her breath "please call Agent Coulson he's going to want to be a part of this.... and tell him to be careful"  she says as she walks over to the machine that helps her put the suit on and J.A.R.V.I.S does what she told him to do.... "you ruined my father and made him weak! though it's his own fault because he actually listened to you over me! you dismantled his company by making it something he'd never want it to be though that was only because I could do nothing till you made your gravest mistake you put my life in danger with the very weapons your son built! for 30 years I had to watch you destroy everything that meant the world to me but no more Obadiah this time I will be the one who removes your STANE from the world!"  Amalthea says as she fights Obadiah in his large ugly suit "I'll let you in on a little secret Diah you're wrong!.... I went into every build that has my fathers company name attached to it every week!.... though I did it on days I knew you weren't going to be there and had J.A.R.V.I.S. who I connected to those very buildings the day I created him watch over everything that happened in them when I wasn't around and that includes the computers and all those "little" ghost files you had "hidden" in them which is how I knew what was going to happen to me I just never knew when and me going to Afghanistan with your son gave you the perfect opportunity to finally put what was in those computers to action and boy what a movie that was huh!?! I suppose I truly do deserve and award for my performance throughout this whole ordeal well unfortunately for you the curtain's about to fall on it's last act and you won't be around to receive your award!"  she tells him "can the suit handle it?!"  she whispers to J.A.R.V.I.S. who replies "I hope so!"  she flies high in the air and just like she anticipated Obadiah follows her "idiot!"  she whispers to herself "you know what they say J.A.R.V.I.S. the bigger they are the harder they fall"  she says once they reach the right altitude the suit breathes as though J.A.R.V.I.S. was chuckling Amalthea flies back down just as Obadiah's suit starts to freeze Obadiah tries to follow her but his systems crash so he couldn't do anything but fall "there's only one thing left to do.... get me Agent Coulson.... please"  she says once she lands on the roof of Obadiah's lab J.A.R.V.I.S. once again does as he's told and calls up Coulson for her Coulson answers on the second ring "Miss Stark"  Amalthea replies with a smile in her tone "we're changing roles tonight Agent Coulson this time it is I who needs you!"  he asks "what can I do for you?!"  she replies "I need you to overload the reactor and blast the roof"  he says "excuse me!?!"  she replies "I'm sure you've seen the size of that air filled piece of trash Obadiah now "lives" in and even though mine is slightly more powerful.... when it comes to what it's capable of doing anyway it's new so I'm still working out some kinks.... and not as heavy and full of useless things it's much smaller so I need you to do me this one favor and do as your told we're soldiers today Phillip J. Coulson not Agents, not rich bitches in suits, soldiers so act like one!"  he chuckles then says "yes ma'am!"  she says as Obadiah flies down towards her "I'll let you know when"  he replies "alright I'll wait for your call"  then he hangs up so she can concentrate on what she needs to do just as Obadiah lands next to her.... while in the suit Amalthea uses a mixture of her father, her godfather, J.A.R.V.I.S. and Asmodeus' voices all rolled into one to speak for her when she speaks to anyone outside the suit she had promised J.A.R.V.I.S. that no one would know it was her the only time she ever used her real voice was now with Obadiah since he already knew.... once Agent Coulson gets a call from Amalthea he prepares to do as she ordered him to do flipping every switch in the building as she distracts Obadiah "now Phil!"  Amalthea says and he pushes the bypass button praying she survives he smiles when he realizes she called him Phil and not Agent Coulson....

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