In J.A.R.V.I.S. We Trust

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😻Yes I know the Chapter Gif is of Vision & not J.A.R.V.I.S. but I think the words on it fit😍

There was a reason that Amalthea didn't speak to J.A.R.V.I.S. for so long the main one being his the first to hurt her heart in such a way another was she figured it would be better if they stayed in a "business" sort of relationship which didn't work out so well for it took her back to when she fell in love with her Godfather and she knew she not only couldn't but shouldn't love him in that way she also still feels that way about J.A.R.V.I.S. but you can't help who your heart falls in love with you can fight it but you can't decide it for it for it already knows long before you do not to mention that hurt as well but she went with it for awhile especially when he finally shut down his own emotional programing "J.A.R.V.I.S. I have a question.... if you didn't want the emotions you claim to have why did you create them!?!"  Amalthea asks J.A.R.V.I.S. a few days after she turned him back on and after a long pause J.A.R.V.I.S. replies "I-I don't know!"  she nods but doesn't say anything J.A.R.V.I.S. does something he hasn't done since the day she ordered him to shut himself off and he turns the hologram he created of what he thought he'd look like if he did have a form and walked over to her then cupped her arms in his hands and brought her back towards his chest then whispers softly into her ear "I'm sorry!"  once again she says nothing and he hides his head in her neck and much to his happiness she doesn't shoo him away just allows him to stay in that position for a few seconds "I love you"  he whispers softly then he moves away from her then shuts off the hologram "I love you too"  she whispers but surprisingly enough he doesn't hear her the room becomes cold as she walks out of it and his sadness grows it was on that day he decided to turn his emotions off for awhile thinking they'd be better off if he did so that their hearts hers real his figurative would be better off if he didn't feel anything but even that hurt it became like a ache in the back of his figurative heart that grew with every second he "hid" his emotions but he ignored it and it helped that he had so many distractions from said emotions thanks to her work and the fact that she on occasion fought as Iron Man especially since not only were there some of the weapons Stark Industries made still out there but there was a new weapons manufacturer in town a Justin Hammer who seems to be a younger version of Obadiah Stane the only difference is this man OWNS the company he doesn't "run it behind the scenes" like Obadiah liked to pretend to and when that man tried to dig himself deeper into Amalthea's life she created a plan and J.A.R.V.I.S  was going to be a part of a plan she had her two best friends and greatest supporters help her out with "Ero I'm going to need something of yours that you always wear"  Amalthea says after she explains her plan "why!?!"  Asmodeus asks "well he can't walk me down the aisle now can he!?!"  she replies he chuckles then says "oh, right!.... is he ok with this?!"  she waves her bare fingers in front of her friend and says "he doesn't know!"  he chuckles then asks "who is going to walk you down the aisle?!"  she replies "I was thinking about having Happy do it"  he smiles then asks "will my watch work?!"  she replies "um maybe I still haven't figured out the heating problem from when he was in my watch so maybe a tie pin or the rims of your shades.... yes I'll let you wear sunglasses in my wedding!"  he chuckles then nods with a smile.... when they first came up with the plan they had rumors spread about her secretly dating some mysterious man that no one ever saw so that when they finish the wedding plans it wouldn't be a HUGE surprise though reporters and paparazzi do love surprises I guess.... when J.A.R.V.IS. did learn of the plan he was shocked that they included him in it "she loves YOU you idiot! not me! not some other asshole somewhere out in the world! YOU!!"  Asmodeus tells him "one thing you have to learn about that woman we both care about it takes a LOT to lose whatever she decides to give you especially love! after all she would have stopped caring about me a long time ago if it was a simple thing to do especially back when I actually trusted my dad and told him things she never wanted him to know that he turned around and used to his advantage! I was just a stupid teenager then but it still hurt her that I betrayed her like that and here we are still "best buds" to this very day and I'm one of the luckiest men alive to have her in my life and so are you!"  he tells the AI the room goes from hot to cool and back and forth for a few seconds as J.A.R.V.I.S. not only processes the mans words but the emotions he turned back on after finding out what the plan was "how is she doing it?!"  J.A.R.V.I.S. asks "she's putting the hologram program in the rims of my sunglasses"  Asmodeus replies the room becomes warm which tells Asmodeus that J.A.R.V.I.S. is smiling and he smiles too then he says "I promise not to wear them during "play time"!"  the rooms temperature fluctuates again which tells Asmodeus that J.A.R.V.I.S. is chuckling....

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