I Am Stronger💪🏻

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Amalthea shoots a repulsor beam at Ultron before he gets a chance to attack Cho "miss me!?!"  she asks as his body goes flying backwards "out!"  she growls and Ultron's bots fly out of the room as though they were afraid they'd be next "Helen go!"  Amalthea says softly "but....!"  Cho replies with a slight nervous stutter "it'll happen one way or another and I'd rather you didn't get hurt in the process besides J.A.R.V.I.S. will look after him he's his "baby" too you know?! and who knows with him in there there may be a chance for change"  Amalthea says Cho nods with a smile then leaves "you two as well.... unless you WANT to be ruled by a dictator!"  she adds without looking at the twins who stand next to her and just as they leave the room Ultron wakes up "take the body and go I have a feeling you won't get far!"  Amalthea tells him before she flies out of the room and he watches her with a surprised expression on his face then he chuckles for he now knows why Cho was prepared for his arrival after all the Stark woman did claim she knew what he had planned to do with the Vibranium and now he knows she was speaking the truth.... "the kids miss you"  Amalthea hears Clint say through her com once she flies by the Quinjet he was piloting "and I miss them I'll try to visit soon but right now I'm about to make Asmodeus' dreams come true!.... if you three can get that body away from Ultron anyway if not.... I hope J.A.R.V.I.S. finds a way to leave it before Ultron finishes putting his "consciousness" into it!"  she replies "you let....!?!"  he asks with a surprised tone "I have my reasons.... besides in case you haven't noticed J.A.R.V.I.S is unlike any AI ever created with or without form he's most assuredly one of a kind if there's anyone who can break through that shell it's him! after all he's a AI that was made without emotions that ended up having them anyway!"  she says he chuckles softly then says "we'll do our best"  she replies "I'm sure you will.... see you in a few.... maybe!"  he chuckles.... Asmodeus did indeed become excited when he heard Amalthea give him permission to finish what he started with Ultron's Vibranium made body and he promised to do better than the last time which she replies "I'll hold you to it"  he chuckles with a smile then watches her fly out of Bruce's lab and once again Bruce ends up helping him work on the body once it reaches the lab after Clint and Steve steal it from Ultron the only reason Bruce decided to help Asmodeus this time was because he had gotten Amalthea's permission and because a part of J.A.R.V.I.S. was inside and he knew that if she lost J.A.R.V.I.S. it would destroy her if it wasn't for those reasons he would have done whatever he could to destroy it and the two men went to work putting the rest of J.A.R.V.I.S. into the body so he could help them finish what they started and Bruce prayed that she was right that he was powerful enough to fight whatever part of Ultron that was in there and win and whoever came out was more friend than foe.... Amalthea returns to the lab when Vision was standing outside with Thor Vision turns when he senses her presence and looks up at her for she had flown over in the Iron Man suit she has the faceplate slide into the helmet so he could look into her eyes as she says softly with a smile "hello and you would be!?!"  Vision stutters slightly for he has yet to give himself a name he thinks about it then says "Vision"  she lands beside him and says "I'm Amalthea Stark"  he replies softly "I know.... I don't know how I know but I know!"  she replies "I created J.A.R.V.I.S. the AI that helped create you.... if you could give us a minute Thor"  Thor nods then walks inside Vision looks at her oddly and once they were truly alone and she knew no one could hear her she says softly "I want to explain something "clear the air" so to speak so that there is no confusion about what our "relationship" may become.... before your body was even in it's physical form I asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to merge his programming with it I had hoped his merging would help it along.... he's the "sperm" to the eggs that created you yes I know there's usually only one but I would say only two out of the three in there would be strong enough to even be compared to sperm!"  he chuckles as she continues "now I don't know if you have his memories or anything that is remotely J.A.R.V.I.S. I know you are not him but they say we become our parents in some form of a way so I'm guessing there may be some part of him that still lives within you and to be honest I hope it's his heart!.... you have his voice but his heart.... that was the best part of him and I didn't even make that HE did!"  he looks at her curiously then she explains about J.A.R.V.I.S' programming what she made it out of, what he did with it and how she grew to feel about him "I could never love you as I love J.A.R.V.I.S. and since I asked him to merge with you I suppose in a very odd way I could consider you our son.... I don't think I will but I could!"  she says he smiles "though I may consider you a friend I just have to get to know you first"  she says he nods with a smile "and just so you know no matter what anyone says especially those who know I created J.A.R.V.I.S I will never compare you to him you are two very different beings and in some ways I believe he only recreated the holoprogram to make me feel more "human" after all I'm the woman who fell in love with a AI that had no form until he used a old program I had once created then.... well I THOUGHT I hid it.... to make himself one"  she tells him his smile grows "he loved me in the best way a AI could and I was grateful for that and yet I wished he hadn't if he hadn't I may have forced myself to try and love someone more "like me".... I'd probably fail but I would have tried and yet I'm also glad he did for he was the first being to love me unconditionally and without wanting anything out of it he was unique just like you are I will tell you this.... if you start to feel the way he allowed himself to feel don't fight it fight FOR it! for it'll be worth it in the end I just hope you find a way to be as happy as you possibly can be no matter what comes your way"  she says she leans forward and kisses his cheek then walks away and as soon as the faceplate covers her head again she starts to silently cry Vision watches her walk away with a curious expression on his face then he smiles at the memory of her soft lips caressing his cheek though he had a feeling that kiss was not meant for him he was happy it happened for in some odd way it gave him hope that they would indeed someday be friends....

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