As The World Falls Down🌎🌠⬇

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**** when I wrote fall in the emoji box it showed the shooting star and leaves so I chose the shooting star ****

Once away from the crowd Steve hugs Amalthea but holds back his tears she rubs his back gently then whispers "come on you can help me pick out my dress I've never been good with funerals!"  he chuckles softly then nods as he lets her go and he tak...

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Once away from the crowd Steve hugs Amalthea but holds back his tears she rubs his back gently then whispers "come on you can help me pick out my dress I've never been good with funerals!"  he chuckles softly then nods as he lets her go and he takes her hand in his then they walk out of the building and over to his motorcycle then climb on and drive off.... the next day they fly to London for the funeral together in one of the Stark private jets "I was supposed to.... well actually I promised I would tell you that she said goodbye, then again she was no more into goodbyes than I am so I suppose "see you on the flipside" might be better then again maybe not that sounds more like something Ero would say!"  Amalthea says Steve chuckles softly she walks over to him slides into his lap and hugs him then they both start crying silent tears.... Amalthea sat inbetween Sam who came to support his friend on this sad day and Steve who subconsciously slid his hand over her thigh when Sharon Carter walked up to the podium after the funeral Amalthea offered to give Steve some time alone but he found that he didn't want to be alone so instead they walked around London side by side, hand in hand talking about their memories of Peggy and he was surprised that Peggy was one of the ones who taught her how to fight "this day must be so much harder for you than it is for me I mean you.... well you love her in a much deeper form than I ever did and you lost her not once but twice I know her as the woman who even though she lived as happy a life as she could she was still missing something I didn't know what till I met you"  Amalthea tells him softly he smiles sadly "I'm sorry I didn't mean to....!"  she says softly "no! it's alright I'm glad you're being so open about all this!"  she replies "thanks to the fact that all my secrets are already "out there" because of a conversation I had with Loki I have nothing to hide and Uncle Edwin taught me never to lie so....!"  he chuckles "would you like to meet him!?.... I mean it won't really BE him but.... I have a holoprogram of him made of my memories and well J.A.R.V.I.S. kind of brought it back to life before he.... silly AI he brought back the one person I considered my true parent and the first man I ever loved who was also like a parent but in some odd way became more thanks to my always very confused heart!"  she says he smiles then replies "sure, I'd like that!"  she says "well the best place to do that is where he was buried which isn't too far from here.... he is British after all!"  he chuckles then she takes him to where her godfather was buried and turns on the holoprogram that is now connected to his gravestone and introduces the Captain to the Butler and Steve was surprised to find out just how human the holoprogram acted what surprised Amalthea was that Steve promised to keep her and her heart safe she figured he'd want to find a way to be with Peggy once again not die per se but go back to the moment he lost her before he became a Capsicle and find a way to not become that or return before he was "meant" to and he goes and promises something not as simple as one would think it would be perhaps whatever this may become will be another temporary thing for her which she could deal with when she loses a piece of her heart once again after all she doesn't have much of a heart left for just like Steve she's lost too many people that she's cared about in the worst ways imaginable maybe that's why they got along so well they had that in common so they understood one another better than most.... "you have the biggest decision of your life to make!"  Amalthea tells Steve after they returned to their hotel room which they shared but had two beds he looks at her oddly "I saw the way you looked at Sharon as you subconsciously rubbed my thigh..... you have to figure out where your heart belongs for the time being and whether or not you're willing to let Peggy go or will fight to keep her despite the fact that part of you has attempted to move on like she did"  she tells him he smiles sadly "not right now don't force yourself to love any of us! allow yourself the time your heart needs to heal from this new pain but someday.... you deserve to be as happy as Peggy allowed herself to be too Steve!"  she tells him he cups the back of her neck with his hand then kisses her lips softly and says with a whispered tone "you'd be the better choice"  she replies with a smile "no I wouldn't but the sentiment is a nice one"  he chuckles then kisses her forehead "come on I'm taking you out for dinner luckily we're already dressed for the occasion!"  she says he laughs then replies with a smile "you're wrong about one thing I'M taking YOU out after all it's the gentlemanly thing to do"  she smiles a small smile and thinks to herself "that's why I like him so much he reminds me of Uncle Edwin and J.A.R.V.I.S even though I can also see the differences between the three as well!"  he looks at her curiously and she smiles a truer smile than the last one which makes him smile then they leave their room and head to the hotel restaurant where they end up watching a news report about a bombing in Vienna and when Amalthea heard about T'Chaka her heart sank seeing her expression Steve reaches over and gently grips her hand but she doesn't seem to feel it as she whispers "I should have been there I could have....!"  she stops when she hears Steve say "no, you couldn't!"  she whispers "he was my friend!"  he looks at her sadly and his attention is diverted to the tv screen when he hears "officials have released a video of a suspect.... who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes.... the Winter Soldier the infamous HYDRA agent.... linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations"  Amalthea squeezes his hand then says softly "looks like we both have someone to worry about!"  he smiles a sad smile then asks "who....!?!"  she replies "T'Challa the kings son who will be hellbent on revenge as soon as he sees this though I've got to wonder was it really your friend or someone using his past against him?! I still have yet to find Zemo and he lost his father, wife and son in Sokovia he would have the most to gain from causing us pain for he just like everyone else will blame us for what happened to his home and those he loves"  his eyes widen "come on I'll fly you to where you need to go but first I'd like to check on T'Challa"  she says softly he nods then they leave the money for their bill plus a tip on the table, stand up and walk out of the restaurant then head to the airport where her company's private jet waits to take them to Vienna they of course shower.... just not together.... and change before leaving the jet and heading to the building where the Accords were signed.... "Challa"  T'Challa hears a familiar ethereally soft voice say he turns to see Amalthea walk towards him and growls lowly "why weren't you here!?!"  she asks "do you honestly think I'm going to allow the government to dictate my every move!?! I wouldn't let my father or Obadiah do that why would I allow them too!?!"  he smiles she slowly walks over to him and cautiously hugs him in a way that showed she was unsure he wanted a hug from her he knew she knew he wasn't blaming her for his fathers death he just thought she would have been "smart" and signed the Accords and now that he knows what she thinks of them he understood why she chose not to he not only hugs her back but sinks into her warm familiar embrace "I don't know whether to say I'm sorry or congratulate you!"  she says as she lets him go he chuckles "I do however know that you will make him proud!"  she says he smiles then says softly "thank you!"  she looks around her at the crowd that surrounds them and says "I should go I don't need these creatures asking me the same question you did!"  he chuckles then nods she gives him one last hug then walks away Amalthea walks over to where Steve stands then asks "you ready?!"  he nods then they walk back to the airport side by side and take her company's private jet to Bucharest where his childhood best friend is "how did you get this information!?!"  Steve asks her "you're not the only one who knows Sharon I'm not dating her but....!"  she replies he chuckles then clears his throat when he thinks back to all the times he and the woman he now stares at have kissed no he's not dating Sharon at the moment but it was still slightly awkward for him that Amalthea mentioned it for he wondered how she knew "we're girls we like to gossip!"  she whispers playfully he chuckles "I mean she doesn't know what you know about me but since I knew so much already about S.H.I.E.L.D she figured I'd be the safest person to tell everything she can't tell anyone else"  she adds he nods "not that dating you is a big secret but the way you two met is!"  she says after a short pause he chuckles "are you still!?!"  she asks after another short pause "no"  he replies softly her body sighs in relief and he smiles for it seems he's not the only one thinking about those kisses....

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